Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] up a " in BNC.

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1 He proposed a follow-up meeting to assess progress on January 1 next year , and a conference of experts to draw up a world programme on conserving biodiversity .
2 Lionello Venturi considered lives of artists made up a basic category of art criticism , buttressing his opinion with accounts of writings by Vasari and others .
3 It is thus possible to describe an assembly of entities making up a component as a set of elements , such as shown in Figure 2.2 , for both the geometry and the function .
4 The Society of Authors set up a powerful lobby , which convinced a Parliamentary Committee that the common law of obscene libel should be replaced by a modern statute which afforded some protection to meritorious literature .
5 Often we have only fragments of bones to build up a mental picture of the final complete skeleton .
6 Contrary to one popular view , it is not the case that at the Kalmar plant each group of workers builds up a complete car from a box of component parts .
7 Lanarkshire Development Agency intends to bring together experts from a range of professions to draw up a redevelopment plan for the 1,000-acre site .
8 In permitting the bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne to set up a mint in 864 , the king acknowledged difficulties in suppling the new currency .
9 With his latest movie , Henry & June , Philip Kaufman slightly varies this mix of spices to serve up a soft-focus hash of Sex and Literature in Paris , 1931 .
10 ‘ But we can not back down every time a group of tenants get up a petition against another tenant .
11 The statisticians and historians will have to cut through all this and the added confusion of teams moving up a division without being promoted .
12 The fact is , I work in the National Health Service , and regardless of what the media or politicians may say , the reforms are costing millions of pounds setting up a system which is not working .
13 And as six-month-old Farrah arrived back from Ireland with mum Bernadette and dad Shane , throngs of neighbours sent up a deafening cheer .
14 The knot of demonstrators summoned up a ragged cry and waved their tattered banners , but whether it was the sight of Edwina Currie or of Virginia Bottomley was not immediately evident .
15 The transferability and the value of the culture of higher education to society lie not in the acquisition of specific competencies , but in the propensity of graduates to take up a sceptical stance to what they come across ( in truth claims , in concept , in value , in ways of going on ) .
16 It 's been a bumpy ride , but the bill to privatize British Rail is almost at the end of its long parliamentary journey but the battle is n't over yet , earlier this week hundreds of protestors from a variety of backgrounds gave up a day and travelled from the North to carry their defiant message to Transport Secretary John MacGregor .
17 John Simpson had also been appalled by the competition entries for Paternoster Square and , at a very late stage , had managed to get hold of a copy of the brief — — to provide office space and car parking — and had sat down with a number of colleagues to draw up a scheme of their own .
18 The canons of York , however , had known since 1121 that , in the words of their chronicler , ‘ the monks of Canterbury , like blacksmiths blowing up a nearly extinct fire , recently found , or invented , certain papal privileges about the dignity and primacy of the church of Canterbury ’ .
19 Following his failure to grab a slice of Dan-Air , he announced that he is pressing ahead with plans to set up a small European airline if Virgin can get permission to fly from Heathrow to Brussels , Paris and Maastricht .
20 This was confirmed in April 1948. when ‘ it was agreed that Abdallah would control Arab Palestine if he did not interfere with efforts to set up a Jewish State . ’
21 Messages IV suggested greater youth in its composer , Stephen Tittle , who used a sort of minimalism with interruptions to build up a spirited and engaging little number , though hardly one to overstretch the skills of Bob Becker , the percussionist this time .
22 The computer matches symptoms with diseases to draw up a hierarchy of hypotheses .
23 The court has been today hearing evidence from witnesses building up a picture of what the who defendants were doing in the hours before the alleged abduction of James Bolger .
24 Given the time it takes for non-experts to put up a house , the interest charges on your loan may eat considerably into the discount you capture by using your own labour , says Tuffin .
25 He then served on committees to set up a republican government and abolish kingship and the House of Lords .
26 The ability to build large glass display cabinets without frames opens up a new world of design possibilities .
27 If a centre wants to find out about compatibility of their computer system and SCOTVEC 's or wants information on specifications to set up a system , contact myself or my colleague Fraser MacFarlane .
28 This extension of the lexical representation from single words to pathways opens up a number of possibilities .
29 It called on ministers to set up a firearms control board which would vet all applicants before issuing a guns licence .
30 To become a ‘ presence ’ for others opens up a new dimension of being , and at the same time we know the joy of God 's presence in our lives .
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