Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It was not an ideal arrangement , but it worked well enough for youngsters to feel that Barham House was on their side .
2 Some 50% of Britons and 38% of Germans believed that Mr Reagan 's foreign policy had increased the dangers of war in Europe .
3 This weekend there are plenty of voices implying that Mr Major must be a good Prime Minister because he won the election .
4 Armed with a screwdriver in one hand and a bag of chips in the other , the staff of the Computer Co-ordination Section can be seen floating in and out of offices ensuring that Lothian Highways ' computers and peripherals operate efficiently .
5 One set of models suggests that MCCs represent crustal-scale blocks bounded by originally high-angle normal faults which have tilted to subhorizontal attitudes .
6 A number of studies demonstrate that Britain 's lower productivity performance in international terms can not be attributed to a substantially disproportionate concentration of labour in particular industries [ Panic , 1976 ] .
7 In December , 31 per cent of respondents agreed that RBS was a good place for a mortgage and only 19 per cent .
8 In October , 36 per cent of respondents disagreed that RBS was a good place for a mortgage and only 24 per cent agreed .
9 The high degree of congruence between the two sets of materials shows that D'Oyly 's informant was reciting a well-established stereotype .
10 In the course of December a series of developments indicated that Gorbachev 's position had shifted to the right , partly under the pressure from conservative and authoritarian forces to tackle the economic crisis and collapsing law and order , and partly in an attempt to forestall the country 's disintegration .
11 Whereas Theodoric envisaged marriage alliances as a means of coordinating the policies of the western kingdoms , the bishop of Tours implies that Clovis 's choice of a bride was calculated to cause unease .
12 Those who oppose the ordination of women believe that God intends them to have a different role in the Church from men — though an equally valid one .
13 Three-quarters of Indian Muslims blame Mr Bush , and 45% of Muslims think that Iraq will actually win the war .
14 This chain of events suggests that Britain got into medium- and high-level waste technology early , but then abandoned the middle tier .
15 Do the pages of ticks mean that Fred is a genius or that the work was set at too low a standard ?
16 Jaguar retreated 32p to 653p with stories flowing that Ford had given up its pursuit and planned to buy 50 per cent of the Swedish Saab group .
17 The discovery of the water together with the idyllic setting in pine and birch woods scattered with rhododendrons meant that Woodhall Spa was destined to successful growth as an inland resort .
18 Wittek writes that among the basic causes of concern were Bayezid 's policy of using Christian soldiers against the Muslim gazi emirates in Anatolia and the " latinization " of the Ottoman court , the introduction into it of the practices of the Christian Balkan princes , this criticism being reflected in anecdotes relating that Bayezid 's Serbian wife Despina instructed him in the delights of wine .
19 Piles of pessimistic reports from stockbrokers suggest that Hollywood is set for a crash .
20 Saudi Arabia and Iran , the two largest OPEC exporters , were reported to be among countries demanding that Kuwait make sacrifices to achieve higher oil prices .
21 Edwards , Manchester United 's chief executive and major shareholder , was at pains to emphasise that Knighton had been in a position to complete the deal , but had not done so ‘ in the interests of the club ’ and had at no time sought compensation .
22 Taylor was at pains to stress that Robson 's decision to retire had nothing to do with pique .
23 It was inhabited by demons convinced that Satan had their best interests at heart .
24 In Hadejia Town in Jigawa State there were violent demonstrations by youths disappointed that Zamfara region had not become a state , and on Aug. 30 two people were killed in demonstrations in Gusau angered at the decision to create Kebbi State out of Sokoto State .
25 This was followed at the weekend by reports alleging that Mrs Mandela was implicated in the death of Dr Abu-Baker Asvat , who was murdered in his Soweto surgery in 1989 .
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