Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Manchester , as in Scotland , it was a good night for Labour but overall the result was still devastating .
2 ‘ Is it for real or just a fantasy ?
3 It seems to me that this is a situation the reverse of liberal and even the reverse of democratic , in the sense in which the word has hitherto been understood .
4 Idealogically of course it 's been a battle of Left and Right the Right won , we 've had a return a resserection of the 'Hang Em , Flog Em' Brigade some ugly xenophobia at times and of course multipule attacks on the Media .
5 Later in the week , some of us went for an evening swim at a nearby beach — or rather not so nearby , as it entailed a few miles of driving and then a long walk down a deserted track .
6 It is concerned with English as both a subject and a means of instruction , with the ideas about language , teaching , and learning , which inform different methodologies , and with the verbal interaction that occurs spontaneously in classroom settings .
7 Claudia felt as if she were drowning in a pool of conflicting emotions ; the last thing she wanted was to go anywhere with Roman and yet the thought of being with him for a little while longer filled her with delight .
8 Children were constrained in the kinds of response possible and so appeared to treat less as more ; the younger children probably relied on a non-linguistic strategy of choosing the greater of two amounts , and this would account for responses to both more ( apparently correct ) and less ( apparently wrong ) when combined with partial or even no lexical knowledge ; and lastly , children were not given instructions with both more and less on the same occasion .
9 For example some mothers feel very embarrassed about reprimanding their child or dealing with a tantrum in public and so the child rapidly learns that a tantrum could produce sweets if enough fuss is created ( McAuley and McAuley 1977 ) .
10 As one would expect , people who consider themselves ill are more likely to visit their doctor than the population in general and hence the consultation rates of Table 3.10 are higher than those of Table 3.9 .
11 Central governments elected in 1979 , 1983 and 1987 have clearly benefited from UDCs in general and especially the LDDC .
12 In almost every chapter and section I have found it convenient to say things about crime writing in general and sometimes the art of fiction in particular .
13 I understand it 's run into some difficulty but I urge the minister to press the commission to get a move on because this this is a problem that does n't just affect this country , it is certainly a problem that affects the whole of Europe and the European union in particular but also the the er the whole of the world and it 's something that needs international action .
14 We noted one case in particular where both the librarian and the mastermind of the project left the school and the responsibility was passed from one reluctant staff member to another , whilst the formerly encouraging head became preoccupied with falling rolls and an imminent merger .
15 We 've got the South Yorkshire authorities Wakefield and Doncaster in particular and also the the Humberside authorities as as well .
16 His eyes sparkle at the prospect of retiring three years hence having established Ruby in particular as possibly a bigger money spinner even than Staley 's high fructose corn syrup .
17 The Kefauver report is mentioned in passing but neither the Hubert Humphrey follow-up , nor Morton Mintz 's massive By Prescription Only , nor Rick Carlson 's The End of Medicine get so much as a mention .
18 The shift in winds as the international economy moved from the extravagant eighties to the uncharted nineties has been evident for sometime but only the master helmsman could have kept afloat until now .
19 Although the contact was more social than professional , the two inevitably talked shop when they met , and as Coleman zeroed in on al-Kassar as possibly the key player in the Middle East 's narco-terrorist game , he decided to visit Mayer in his office at the German Embassy one day to see if his friend could be persuaded to take a more generous view of international cooperation than Hurley 's .
20 except pure and simply a painkiller
21 Some backward tribes inhabited the remoter mountains and jungles but the main population was of the same race ; today they are known as Vietnamese but then the outside world knew them as Annamites or Annamese .
22 Well something other than just to talk about other than just the normal run of road things .
23 Since the Tenants Right to Buy was first introduced in 1980 it 's been constantly opposed by Labour and indeed the S L D who 've taken their fat away .
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