Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [adv] every " in BNC.

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1 The campaign of mass action organized by the ANC and its allies which began on June 16 [ see p. 38948 ] continued during July with demonstrations of differing sizes almost every day .
2 Whyte , recruited with Chris Morris from Celtic for £1 million in August , said : ‘ Playing against top class forwards every week has improved my game .
3 The picture I am trying to convey , and it is one which is borne on me with passionate intensity almost every time I enter a primary school class , is of rigid and often unsuitable instruments ( the centralised curriculum plan , textbooks , methods of assessment ) imposed in situations where they do not apply or where they apply only to a small number of individuals within a group .
4 The first impression was , to say the least , somewhat awe inspiring — smooth , dark grey , concrete walls stretching up about ten metres with raised gun-towers approximately every 100 metres .
5 In inflationary times almost every ageing person experiences some anxiety about how their finances will hold out , leading to severe economies over food , fuel , and replacement of clothing and household goods .
6 There was a rapid increase in the number of proposals before the Group in 1975 , and James Porter recalls taking part in two-day visits roughly every other week .
7 Most Long-tailed Ducks are seen at sea or on tidal waters , but one or two are recorded on inland waters almost every year .
8 Take , for instance , a firm that pays a single $10m claim for product-liability damages once every three years , on average .
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