Example sentences of "[prep] [art] time [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The contract will therefore seek : 1 to define the client 's obligations and , so far as possible , to minimise them ; 2 to define the scope of the contract by defining which statements form part of it ; 3 to minimise the scope for variation of the contract duties , by defining the authority of the client 's representatives to make statements binding on it , or to vary the contract ; 4 to minimise the likelihood of the client being in breach of contract , by defining the client 's obligations in flexible terms : for instance , the quantity of goods to be delivered may be subject to tolerances ; or the contract may provide for the time for delivery to be extended in certain situations ; 5 to minimise the extent of the client 's liability for any breach it commits : for instance , by excluding liability for certain kinds of loss , or by placing a financial ceiling on liability ; 6 to define the obligations of the client 's trading partners ; 7 to define the consequences of non-performance by the client 's trading partners ; 8 to provide machinery to encourage prompt performance by the client 's trading partners : for instance , a seller may require interest on late payments , or offer discounts for early payment ; a buyer may contract for the right to withhold payment until satisfactory performance ; 9 to allow the client to use procedurally simple enforcement methods : for instance , terms of sale should be drafted so as to allow the seller to bring a liquidated claim for the price of the goods ; 10 to provide the client with security against non-performance by its trading partners : thus terms of sale are likely to seek to provide the seller with security against non-payment , for instance by means of a retention of title clause ; terms of purchase will seek to minimise the buyer 's exposure by allowing some or all of the price to be retained against satisfactory performance .
2 Yeah , for the time at night and today
3 The glucose level was normal for the time of day , and everyone was pleased .
4 Eastern winds have brought what had been fair sport back to a normal level for the time of year .
5 It was cold for the time of year .
6 Make the most of British pork because prices are low for the time of year .
7 Motor traders said the slower annual decline in sales continued last month , though sales for the time of year have flattened over the past five months .
8 If , for instance , there has been a cold wind blowing for several days and the water temperature has been well down for the time of year , then the wind ceases and the sun brings a sudden warmth to the water , you can almost guarantee that the carp will begin to feed .
9 This will do no good for Amsterdam 's tourist trade and London will be wetter than average for the time of year .
10 Her father was under clad for the time of year but was sweating heavily .
11 Assuming unheated ponds , and normal temperatures for the time of year .
12 As it was unusually cool for the time of year , two great carpets had been unrolled on the porch and a smattering of cushions rested invitingly against the wall .
13 The weather was not wild and stormy , as has sometimes been suggested , but mild for the time of year .
14 The rest of the afternoon had been more or less normal for the time of year except that Ted had been following Pete around for most of it , trying to pump him for details of what had happened between him and Diane Jackson .
15 I wondered whether I had said something that I could n't remember , perhaps had shrieked or whispered that I would n't go back , but Lili said she had heard it was unusually hot for the time of year and unsuitable for a run-down person .
16 ‘ Nice and heavy for the time of year . ’
17 It seemed surprisingly hot in the carriage for the time of year .
18 The 29 booksellers and stationers responding to the CBI survey were among the disappointed retailers , with 59% reporting sales volume down on a year ago and 57% describing the volume of sales as poor for the time of year .
19 ‘ Lovely weather for the time of year , eh ? ’ he said , disregarding the fact that it was depressingly grey and damp .
20 It was not bad for the time of year : February was always her cruellest month .
21 The temperature will rise to a maximum of about nine degrees Celsius , about normal for the time of year .
22 Temperatures will level off at a cool eight or nine degrees celsius , that 's forty six to forty eight fahrenheit- although it is Novemver , still cool for the time of year .
23 A spokesman said the workload is unusually high for the time of year .
24 Sales volumes in May were up on a year ago for the fifth month in a row but they remained well below normal for the time of year , he said .
25 Motor traders reported a small fall in sales in the year to May following five months of growth , but business remained below normal for the time of year .
26 Shop sales grew again in May , but the upturn was relatively modest with sales still well below normal for the time of year .
27 The survey indicates that sales volumes are up , but they still remain below what retailers would consider to be normal for the time of year . ’
28 But nevertheless it 's im important to remember that this is a survey erm which is conducted at the time of year when most compan or many companies raise their list prices and if one looks at the past sort of record of this survey both at the regional level and the national level , one generally does see a bit of an upturn in the pr in the prices numbers at this time of year because people are raising their list prices erm and once you allow for that erm I think these numbers are er very good in terms of prices trends , very low for the time of year .
29 The weather has been ideal — about 85 in the shade , and not much more , although they say it is unusually ‘ cold ’ for the time of year !
30 Father Anstruther , the former vicar who lived rather too near , was to do duty for the time of Mark 's absence — not an entirely satisfactory arrangement but the best that could be made .
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