Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same [noun sg] or " in BNC.

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1 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
2 Language understanding is generally regarded as being of greater importance than generation , since understanding requires the recognition of many paraphrases for the same command or information , whereas generation may be satisfied with the production of just one .
3 Task allocation is a method of organising work so that one person in the workforce is always responsible for the same task or tasks .
4 Has anyone got any I mean I you do n't all need to write about the same thing or anything .
5 Where the people rest with their wood or timber and unload it from carts outside the close of the franchise of the Charterhouse among the towns , and afterwards take up their loads of the same wood or timber , the Foresters attach them and amerce them grievously at their will without right .
6 His mental rhythm is characterized by a demand for endless repetition of the same event or events , and change for him means essentially some abrupt transformation .
7 Two sources offering different accounts of the same issue or event , provide the history teacher with another very useful device .
8 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
9 Co-operation can work well between libraries of the same type or between libraries of different types , depending upon extent of joint needs , and practical factors such as proximity and location .
10 Many public librarians therefore prefer to discard a damaged book and replace it with a new copy of the same title or with another book altogether .
11 Similarly , where in different strata of the same excavation or in separate sites discontinuities in the styles of artefacts occur , these indicate that different manufacturing communities are involved .
12 With the most aggressive species this intolerance may extend to species of other fish families and any fish of the same shape or colour is liable to be attacked .
13 This last question is crucial ; if the condition is satisfied , different codes may prescribe different behaviour within the societies they organize yet still be reconciled , never contradicting each other 's judgements of the same person or action .
14 The reliability of a test is measured by correlation between the test scores , obtained at two different times , between different forms of the same test or between samples of questions in different parts of the same test .
15 Two subjects at the same level in the hierarchy ( for example , both subdivisions of the same parent or superordinate subject ) are said to be coordinate .
16 There is also a wide , wide disparity in the paper qualifications of teachers between different parts of the same country or between urban and rural areas .
17 When a large number of copies of the same document or form are required , they can be duplicated or photocopied from a master copy .
18 Is it to avoid confusion with other films of the same name or is it to give hapless viewers an idea of who they were dating , or supposed to be dating , at the time ?
19 Goldthorpe argues that in the British case the effects have been strikingly asymmetrical : the expanding upper occupational strata show a low ‘ demographic homogeneity ’ ( i.e. a low proportion of members whose fathers were members of the same stratum or class ) , while the manual wage-earning classes , dwindling in size , show a very high level of demographic homogeneity : there has been little pressure for recruitment of manual workers from beyond the ranks of existing manual workers ' families .
20 subordinates in a work group are all of the same quality or type ; and
21 Payment shall not be made to the Insured Person under more than one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) in respect of the same injury or of the same period of disablement .
22 Accordingly , depending upon whether a bank holder of a bill of lading sued in the United States or in England he could get $500 instead of £100 for loss of the same package or unit of freight .
23 Not only in Victoria and Quebec , but in South Africa and in every American state liability has been established in negligence for the consequences of pre-natal injury — though not always on the basis of the same reasoning or principle .
24 ‘ of a qualified driver ’ The supervisor must be a ‘ qualified driver ’ as defined in regulation 9(6) of the Motor Vehicles ( Driving Licences ) Regulations 1987 , namely , a person who holds a full licence authorising him to drive as a full licence holder a motor vehicle of the same class or description as the vehicle being driven by the holder of the provisional licence .
25 Horses of the same family or the same breed are more likely to be empathic , and so to get on together the best .
26 We may become more like them in our styles and habits ; we may begin to look at our children as our parents looked at us ; we may even assume that we will die at the age at which they died , and of the same disease or in the same way .
27 There is a sense — the most important of all — in which Homer and Dante and Milton , Aeschylus and Shakespeare are all of the same age or none .
28 Here , between a number of statements of the same theme or section , contrasting sections are introduced , which may or may not appear again .
29 The debt and the facility are under a single agreement or course of dealing with the same lender or group of lenders .
30 But Lebanon 's foreign community did not view the operation with the same enthusiasm or sense of drama as Ford , who ostentatiously spent the night in the Oval Office in Washington waiting for news of the evacuation .
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