Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 Whe , why to take the , the sting out of the issue they could put the , the line higher up on the earning scale , or higher up on the sa the receiving scale for the older ones who have so , possibly stopped working ?
2 Marina spends most of her time caring for the younger children who live with her in the cellar — especially nine-month-old Vedo Besagic .
3 As the older generations who had kept up the tradition passed away , there were not so many young people in the village to carry it on and they had left to find employment and housing in the towns .
4 I 'm less interested in Araeen 's assertions about modernism than in the following questions : what are the differences between the older artists who came here as immigrants and the young artists who were born in Britain ?
5 Dermot and I had been together at Eton but then Dermot was one of the Lower boys who came when I shouted " Boy " .
6 Beyond the hedge of red-leaved crotons that marked the uphill boundary of Nana 's yard stood a dilapidated shack that was unoccupied , the property of a woman in one of the lower villages who owned several plots in the valley .
7 Gloucester Place seemed awash with the carriages of other guests attending the ball and Emily chafed as she sat waiting impatiently to move on , watched by ladies ' maids and servants of the lower orders who seemed to think that the spectacle was for their pleasure .
8 Those coal heavers , weavers , sailors , labourers and others of the lower orders who took to the streets in 1768 were to a large extent caught up in a political moment which coincided with longer-running economic grievances .
9 The groups at the higher points on the diagram — that is , those with higher median levels of RNR — consist of households in which the elderly live with younger people and it is one or more of the younger members who own or rent the home .
10 As one of the younger officers who came into the job around the time of the reorganization of the water industry , he enjoyed the additional tasks , in contrast with the more experienced men who feel their autonomy has been eroded .
11 This is probably wrong , as we shall see , in the case of two elders , and certainly in the case of one of the younger ones who is a girl .
12 I would think for some of the younger ones who have n't seen or read a lot in the papers of where , what 's going on
13 They only fought in order to protect somebody else ( ‘ like one of the younger kids who 's getting smashed up ’ ) but were clearly very capable of making a good job of it .
14 Many of the newer activists who are not Free Presbyterians are members of other small evangelical denominations.s
15 He became aware of the disapproving looks his noisy party were receiving from some of the older locals who had drifted in over the last hour .
16 One thing is clear to the present writer : after talking to many of the older horsemen who had performed it — men born before or about 1890 — he became convinced that they were totally involved in the ceremony .
17 Better educated , brighter , and more articulate than many of the older men who had supported Paisley since the 1950s , Robinson gave the party managerial and organizational skills it had previously lacked .
18 Then 54 of the older pupils who recently took part in a five-day visit to Ironbridge , Shropshire , described all that they had learned , with readings , slides and models .
19 One governor commented that he was trying to pick off some of the weaker governors who had no sense of what their role was meant to be .
20 Unlike the earlier horders who crossed the Julian region to descend upon the rich plains of Venetia , the Lombards settled , and fortified the passes through which they had invaded , to secure their eastern boundary against the infiltration of further invaders .
21 Jokes with the younger farm-hands who were wise enough not to go too far with the granddaughter of the boss .
22 London Airport was not the most popular station for customs officers at that time , especially with the older officers who were still steeped in the traditional work at seaports .
23 The bourgeois was , if not a different species , then at least the member of a superior race , a higher stage in human evolution , distinct from the lower orders who remained in the historical or cultural equivalent of childhood or at most adolescence .
24 Now the family is so desperate they want to move away to start life afresh — away from the older boys who they are convinced lead him astray .
25 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm i it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who are made , made redundant , going to the company and swelling their balance sheets , while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
26 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who were made , made redundant going to the company and swelling their balance sheets while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation , when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
27 Again this was not significant ; however , estimated intestinal transit time was significantly longer in the older women who had a hysterectomy and tended that way in the younger one ( Table I ) .
28 It promises higher top-rate income taxes for individuals and corporations — and on the wealthier retirees who also receive government benefits .
29 At the same time , there was the paradox of a growing lordly authority among the stronger thegns who could impose their will on the rival groups .
30 On the Somerset Levels , inundated by heavy floods in 1872 and 1873 , a report described how ‘ Ague set in early in the spring and is now very prevalent … among the poorer families who are badly fed and clothed . ’
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