Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The original current accounts constituted loans to participators under s 286 , TA 1970 , and C and G were assessed to income tax for 1980/81 on the grounds that by substituting B for the taxpayers as debtor , the company ‘ released ’ the taxpayers from their obligation to repay the loans under s 287(1) , TA 1970 .
2 In the seemingly endless , and to male ears repetitive , chatter that goes on among women … a massive and encyclopaedic confidence is built up in the gossipers … gossip serves exactly the same grooming functions for the women as poker for the men …
3 In … the Highlands … their [ sic ] was no other drink for the soldiers than brandy and spirits ; which rendered them incapable of performing their work , for remedy of which the officers did provide utensills and stores for brewing and did supply them therewith .
4 Haymaking , now that was an important event in the life of the dale — still is for me — because that 's when you harvest the fodder for the animals when winter comes and there is no grazing to be had .
5 Alternatively , for the ‘ foxglove ’ part of the design you can use pastel green ( for the leaves ) and pastel pink ( for the flowers as background colours and dark green as the contrast .
6 That human bodies undergo biological changes as the years since birth accumulate can not be denied .
7 He made his official Palace debut in the FA Cup tie with QPR on 5 January 1946 and was between the posts when Palace met Mansfield for the first post-war League match on 31 August 1946 .
8 In Stenhouse Australia Ltd v Phillips [ 1974 ] AC 391 the restraint of trade clause was part of an agreement made between the parties after employment had ceased as it had been in Wyatt 's case .
9 Kian fingered the hole that his own father had pierced through the fleshy part of his nose between the nostrils when Kian had reached manhood .
10 erm you end up with four different er types of er reproductive strategies which are of monogamy , polygyny , polygamy and polyandry and the first one monogamy is when you have one male and female and er this minimizes the differences in reproductive success and the way it does that is because erm it , it minimizes the difference between the sexes because monogamy takes the limitations of the male erm to reproduce only with the one female so the male to female ratio of reproductive success the same in monogamy , and er what happens to that is this little in er more equal towards their parental investment .
11 We were disappointed but we could still watch through the windows as Mum gave her final instructions to Mrs Taylor and Mrs Buckley .
12 Even through the years before myxomatosis rabbits were vulnerable to disease simply because there were so very many of them .
13 However , Steve 's 20-year-old son Mark looks after the dogs when dad 's away .
14 Temperature of system falls but heat content of the products is still higher than that of the reactants as heat would have to be SUPPLIED to restore the temperature to original
15 She was only joining in for the sake of the others because Murder in the Dark is more fun with five than with four .
16 Having freed ourselves of the shackles of the classical conception of the company and its assertion that it is only the interest of the shareholders as property owners that the law should seek to protect , it becomes evident that a whole web of relationships of interdependence exist around and within the company .
17 These proposals can also be seen as a response to the weakening of the claims of the shareholders as property owners due to the separation of ownership and control in the large public company .
18 However , it is possible in some circumstances for the buyer to take delivery of the goods before property has passed to him .
19 Here , in my judgment , the property had passed on the fall of the hammer , but still the ( seller ) had a right to retain possession of the goods until payment was made . ’
20 Thermodynamic calculations indicate that under these conditions contributions to the gaseous products from inorganic equilibria reactions are minor while chemical analysis of the coals after heating indicated negligible residual generating capacity .
21 Unfortunately , relapse occurred in at least half of the responders after treatment was discontinued .
22 First , by what mechanism are the demand and price signals so efficiently and rapidly diffused among all of the islands while information about events on other islands only becomes available : gradually ?
23 The Bill does nothing to increase the powers of the courts if order should break down inside a prison , although it touches in a new way on some of the matters relating to aiding and abetting an escape outside a prison .
24 The Foundation shall pay to the owners of the paintings as consideration for the loan an annual sum to be determined .
25 There is also a strong argument for using several of the machines as word processors or graphics generators and passing the data on to a larger central system for final assembly .
26 If , for instance the openings of the coronary arteries are involved by the syphilitic process , the swelling of the tissues after treatment may lead to blockage and sudden death .
27 After the ceremony Agnes and Maxim walked through other halls of the museum where she displayed more knowledge of the aeroplanes and nearly as much of the rockets as Maxim — essentially a personal-weapons infantryman — could offer .
28 The treatment and control of ruminant infections with Oesophagostomum spp. is similar to that of the trichostrongyles while infection in pigs can be controlled by the methods described for Hyostrongylus .
29 And he advised parliament , when a House of Commons committee was enquiring into the provisional continuance of the prison hulks system in 1778 , that conditions had improved since his earlier criticisms and that he would support continued use of the hulks until transportation could be resumed .
30 This has had a much more drastic effect on the reservoir quality of the rocks than vadose compaction or early cementation , as it affected the whole of the Hauptdolomit rather than just the upper portion ( Fig. 18 ) .
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