Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] which " in BNC.

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1 This was the 41st competition between the two sides for the Directors Trophy which was presented to both clubs for annual competition in April 1953 , although in 1958 no play was possible because of a snowstorm .
2 It has been a year of change for the Mechanics Institute which has seen its crumbling headquarters re-vamped into a fashionable pub .
3 I 've just done a show a touring show , for the Arts Council which opened recently in Kendel having been in Cambridge , Swansea and Liverpool .
4 Ron Scriven , a spokesman for the Police Federation which represents police officers , said : ‘ If the Avon and Somerset report is forwarded to us we will study it and consider circulating the 43 forces in England and Wales with its findings .
5 He was replying to Ernie Ross , Labour MP for Dundee West , who said the workers had lost their jobs after a disputes procedure which had followed the Government 's employment law to the letter .
6 He was replying to Ernie Ross , Labour MP for Dundee West , who said the workers had lost their jobs after a disputes procedure which had followed the Government 's employment law to the letter .
7 It is ss839(7) and 416 of the Taxes Act which mean that management could be " connected " with Newco for these purposes .
8 ‘ We all know about criminal cases and traffic offences , but there are many aspects of the work of the Magistrates Court which do not see the light of day as far as the general public are concerned , for example juvenile and matrimonial cases .
9 The plaintiffs claim that they suffered loss and damage as a result of the defendants breach of contract er my Lord erm essentially having completed on this purchase they then tried er to run the business financially and in accordance with the terms of the lease , erm but it 's all been the plaintiff 's evidence that right from the start erm he was well prepared that there was insufficient working capital and insufficient funds er to run this business properly and efficiently and indeed shortly after purchasing it advice was sought about er re-sale and er if your Lordship looks at page eighty eight of the pleadings bundle which twenty one the plaintiff 's case on page eighty eight , the top of the page my Lord .
10 Sixty seven of the pleadings bundle which are the further and better particulars this year and you can see that er looking back to page sixty six , what the plaintiffs have been asked to state was to give particulars of the change in financial position which had been outlined to Mr on the telephone and er your Lordship will see first of all that in answer eighty little A , there is a reference to er a letter of the twenty seventh of February nineteen ninety two which was a letter from the plaintiff 's solicitors to the defendant 's solicitors which , this is been incorporating in the front or ought to be in the bible , erm I do n't think it has been but there are copies if I can hand your Lordship it was missed out in error I am sorry .
11 In fact it is the passage out of the gens stage which is the subject matter of the book .
12 But the chief aim was to construct what was in some ways an analogue of the dynamics of the personnel situation which could be watched almost while it moved .
13 The Times could also be counted upon for lengthy discussion of cricket and Rugby Union , both from specialist reporters and from their readers through the institution of the Letters Page which became an important forum for influential discussion of these games .
14 Much to the annoyance and frustration of the sports-goods company which stitch him up , he has rejected the jerseys which resemble blurred traffic lights .
15 Moreover , the owners of fishing vessels could legitimately be regarded as part of the fisheries community which the Common Fisheries Policy was designed to support .
16 They are irrelevant to the battle against crime , and the improved efficiency of the police service which we all support .
17 The two were handcuffed together , taken off the bus and put in the back of the police car which then escorted us into town with lights flashing and siren blaring .
18 On top of this , there may be areas of the police department which have been financed by special funds , perhaps in the form of trusts ; the costs of these areas will appear in a different fund again .
19 A two-part Index is printed at the end of the Relationships Listing which gives the number of the page within the report on which the details of the module may be found .
20 The home of the Arts Lab which was later to be re-named ‘ Growth ’
21 Note , however , that problems regarding contact may also be resolved by use of the representations procedure which local authorities are obliged to set up under s26 of the Act ( see Chapter 20 ) .
22 ‘ We bought the malt extract arm of the Distillers Group which has been making malt for 100 years .
23 right , well the , the , well there 's good news on that front because in our , in the actual new version of the seeds package which we have now
24 There are other specific provisions of the Children Act which allow the court to take into account certain written statements or evidence regardless of any enactment or rule of law which would otherwise prevent this .
25 There is scope for a thesis of sorts on the distinction between the Commission on Instructional Technology 's definition : " Instructional technology means the media born of the communications revolution which can be used for instructional purposes alongside the teacher , the textbook and the blackboard " ( AVI , April 1970 : 89 ) ; and the National Council for Educational Technology 's definition , for the UK , of educational technology : " the development , application and evaluation of systems , techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning . "
26 Indeed all sections of the exhibition struck me as exciting and thought-provoking with the exception of the ceramics section which is mediocre .
27 He took the money in Georgia — but presented it to UEFA in Geneva as irrefutable evidence of a bribes scandal which has rocked Europe .
28 It should also mention that it requires the application of an acquisitions policy which balances the strategic needs of RBGE staff with the longer-term ‘ national heritage ’ aspects included in our statutory objectives .
29 He also suggests that the Japanese dominate the market partly because of their domestic need for a communications system which could accommodate an alphabet of some 2,000 characters .
30 the Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) worked with the Head of Additional Studies Faculty to produce a framework for a study-skills course which would link with the work of all other departments ;
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