Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [noun] there " in BNC.

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1 An earlier , and still very useful , book-length exposition is the volume published by the International Labour Office ( 1974 ) , whilst for the EEC countries there is the survey of the Commission of the European Communities ( 1979 ) .
2 In substitution for the contact order there will be :
3 For the sea angler there are 3,500 miles of coastline to fish and explore .
4 For the NIPPV group there was a rise in pH , compared with a fall in the controls ( mean difference of change between the groups 0.046 [ 95% CI 0.06–0.02 , p < 0.001 ] ) , and a larger fall in PaCO 2 ( mean difference in change between the groups 1.2 kPa [ 95% CI 0.45 to 2.03 , p < 0.01 ] ) .
5 The bottom line is that whilst Wilko has made decisions which have upset , even annoyed us , if he were to leave for the England job there is no-one remotely capable of replacing him .
6 For the reading parent there is now plenty of help .
7 For the armchair golfer there 's the definitive guide to great links golf , with photos from the game 's most respected photographer Brian Morgan — the Classic Golf Links Of Great Britain And Ireland by Donald Steel ( £25 , Chapmans ) .
8 ( iv ) It is notable that for the set Z there is no multiplicative analogue of A4 .
9 For the recognition task there are a number of alternate words suggested .
10 As social services takes over responsibilities for the community care there will be a qualitative difference between social fund officers ’ decisions concerning packages of care if both are controlled by cash-limited budgets .
11 For the ground crews there is barely time to think as they bomb up the tornados for yet another sortie .
12 To coincide with the Climb For The World event there will be a major inter-continental climb of the Eiger in Switzerland .
13 For the labour movement there was an added anxiety : that military compulsion would be used to discipline and control the workers , introducing full-scale industrial conscription by the back door .
14 Although justifiably most famous for the coast path there are plenty of other outdoor activities to enjoy in Pembrokeshire .
15 During the interwar years there had been several proposals for something that would go beyond this to involve governments , and in 1938 the idea of a Nordic Council had been proposed by Denmark .
16 During the assessment interview there should be a two-way exchange of information so that the nurse gives information to the patient about procedures which are designed for his safety , and answers questions .
17 We also gave other reasons at the time , erm principally the road , because the access fronting onto the A forty four there by the proposed site , there 'd been a number of accidents and during the consultation period there were actually two people killed bang opposite the proposed entrance to that site at Swingswang .
18 During the Repubblichini period there had been a Secretary to the Party in Fontanellato .
19 Chris and his wife have been collecting and breeding snakes for the past 16 years : there are 34 in the house at the moment , but during the breeding season there can be as many as 200 .
20 During the funeral mass there was much talk of sadness , grief and bewilderment but no reference to revenge .
21 Even during the Exclusion Crisis there were many conservative Whigs who saw Exclusion as the only way to preserve strong monarchy in England .
22 During the conversion process there are a wide range of options available to the user .
23 Between the spending departments there will be competition for resources .
24 If one was not worried about the sovereignty arguments there might be a case for a single currency in Europe .
25 Once through the Gabes Gap there was no longer any empty desert to escape into and they were trying to operate in a densely populated area that was quite unsuitable for SAS methods .
26 If , ( 1 ) the null convergence condition holds ; ( 2 ) at least one of the six quantities is non-zero at some point p in ( M , g ) ; and ( 3 ) through the point p there is a space-like partial Cauchy surface S , which is everywhere tangent to δ x and δ y , and S is non-compact in the space-like direction normal to δ x and δ y ; then ( M , g ) is null incomplete .
27 After the morning service there was a brisk walk home for lunch which had been prepared and cooked on the Saturday .
28 After the evening service there was a reunion supper for all past and present members of the Sunday School and their friends .
29 Along the edge of the Cromarty Firth there were more seagulls in the fields than over the whole of Lewis .
30 On the underside of the tarsal segments there are frequently pulvillus-like organs or plantulae ( Fig. 21 ) .
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