Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 For , just as for the similar sailors there would always be another ship , so for the mobile diggers there would always be some other great construction project when the present one finished .
2 For , just as for the similar sailors there would always be another ship , so for the mobile diggers there would always be some other great construction project when the present one finished .
3 For the other metals there was little further decrease in contamination after the third collection .
4 ‘ If there be no free play for the individual forces there will be a speedy decay of manhood . ’
5 Of course , for the wealthiest strata there is always the option of sending their children to elite private schools , while other urban parents make sacrifices to send their children to the fee-paying schools which have sprung up since 1977 especially to meet the unfulfilled demand for secondary education .
6 For the older children there is a choice of ‘ Paradise ’ animal theme watches with dolphins , elephants , lions or zebras decorating the straps and watch faces , or ‘ Champion ’ watches featuring motorbikes , racing cars , space rockets and Big Foot .
7 For the big boys there 's industry-standard SQL ; the IBM standard rather than the ANSI standard .
8 Not ail of the clearinghouses are ideally placed to fulfil this role , and even for the national clearinghouses there are difficulties to be faced when it is attempted .
9 For the older men , who had sent their sons to slaughter , there remained a determination to make conditions better ; for the younger men there was an almost obsessive guilt at having survived the holocaust when so many friends had died .
10 During the following days there was further fighting both in the yard and in the city itself as police clashed with workers , and sympathy actions were called , including a strike at the Hyundai Motor Company , the country 's largest car manufacturer .
11 During the previous weeks there had been fine weather , and after a day in the office Paul would keep his mother company in the evenings for a little while , then , as they had nothing to say to one another , he would tell her he was going out for a breath of air .
12 During the inter-war years there was no clearer indication of the potency of unemployment in political matters .
13 Between the two sources there were 119,630 different types .
14 In the neutral zone between the two countries there were estimated reserves of 5,000 million barrels , a strong economic incentive for reunification .
15 If , for example , your company uses PCs extensively but the obvious choice in software happens only to run on a Unix workstation then so long as the files can be transported between the two systems there is no penalty in selecting an ‘ alien ’ hardware platform .
16 Beyond the open door between the two rooms there was silence ; each girl concentrating fiercely on making the very best of what looks she had .
17 In between the various tests there was a delay of two or three days when we would be left on tenterhooks in case we had failed ; every afternoon people would be told to pack their bags and would be deposited at Aubagne station to take a train back to where they had come from .
18 When relative motion occurs between the damper components there is a mutual drag torque .
19 Until recently historians have believed that between the opposing parties there emerged around 1317 a so-called Middle Party , which had its beginning in a mission to Avignon in that year .
20 erm cos if you start thinking about the four-sided ones there 's the square which everybody knows about which is again is the regular polygon is n't it ?
21 Right through the postwar decades there has been a steady flow of labour from the rural to urban areas , from agricultural to non-agricultural occupations .
22 Where the road passed through the coastal plains there were farms with cattle grazing on knee-high grass .
23 Sometimes Buddie stacked trays of eggs above the pipes to incubate , and after a few days there would be dozens of fluffy , chirruping chicks hatching out in the heat .
24 Now there were two and after a few months there were four .
25 For example , if after every 3 phonemes there are on average seven hypotheses of equal probability , the number of paths will exceed 5 million in an utterance of 27 phonemes .
26 Mineralisation shows a spatial association with underlying granites in the Lake District and the Isle of Man , and with volcanics in North Wales , but in Central Wales and most of the Southern Uplands there is no indication of magmatic involvement .
27 Some of the loudest voices there are not in the best tradition .
28 One of the nicest mums there is .
29 A team of experts had examined the nuclear plant at Kozloduy , north of the capital , Sofia , and warned that four of the six reactors there were so unsafe that " continued operation would be imprudent " .
30 If I had time I would like to make a collection of the many stories there are about great conductors because I think there is much to be learnt from them .
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