Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] which [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some present detailed programmes for change which will require legislation , for instance , legislation to improve the levels of pension and older people 's access to employment .
2 However the construction of extra classrooms and toilets depends on the success of a new bid for funding which will decided by the next Government at the end of this year .
3 For example , in early 1983 MP Jack Ashley was attempting to secure the passage of a Private Member 's Bill through parliament which would require pharmaceutical companies to establish a ‘ no blame compensation fund ’ .
4 There is , however , a bill currently going through Parliament which will change that situation .
5 A bill is at this moment passing through Parliament which will enable the Milk Marketing Board to change from a statutory monopoly into a milk-buying co-operative , similar to those that already exist on the Continent , to be called Milk Marque .
6 Erm , how much flexibility do we have if there is a sudden epidemic , if flu virus for instance which can make a tremendous intake or , or people requiring care .
7 The fall in national income will lead to a fall in the demand for money which will shift the MD line to the left in Fig. 4.4(i) and so reduce the equilibrium rate of interest .
8 The maximum display resolution is 1024 x 768 with 256 colour , and the card comes with a disk containing the graphics drivers and some useful utilities such as XMODE which will allow you to emulate different video modes to suit the of software you are running .
9 The terms of reference for this enquiry were ‘ To review the way in which public funds are used to support community care policy and to advise on the options for action which would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
10 As a direct result of Audit Commission criticisms and other recently published reports , the government announced that Sir Roy Griffiths had been invited ‘ to undertake a review of the way in which public funds are used to support community care and to advise on the options for action which would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
11 If an estate agent is convicted under the act the client does not automatically have a right of action in civil proceedings for loss which may have been brought about as a result of the offence .
12 Equally at home with highbrow or no-brow cinema , Kael is unapologetic about feeding a sweet tooth for vulgarity which can seem incongruous in the New Yorker 's staid pages .
13 The alternative was either not to commence running the business or to cease running the business shortly after completion which would have meant in either case that the landlord would foreclose on the lease and the plaintiff 's investment in the business would have been entirely lost .
14 Mr Kidd said the committee was producing a draft guide for management which would include a review of existing legislation in six European countries .
15 to ensure a growth path for equipment which will allow a reasonable increase in the range and volume of activities to be undertaken
16 It is also the location for equipment which can link the islands of Westray , Stronsay , Sanday , Hoy , Papa Westray and Rousay with Kirkwall and Stromness , or even Aberdeen , for interactive lectures , tutorials or lessons .
17 The theory of outcome measurement they constructed was then used to develop a comprehensive system of assessment which could monitor the development of all children for whom local authorities take responsibility .
18 Despite their differences , however , both initiatives are associated with an increasing interest in modular-based curriculum provision , and with forms of assessment which can take into account the wide range of outcomes they are designed to achieve .
19 Against the background that people expected support for an elderly person to be reciprocated in some fairly immediate way , the pressure to exclude older people from the labour market was accompanied by a pressure to give them some independent means of support which would prevent their having to rely on their children or other relatives .
20 Or should policy concentrate more on clarifying the goals and outcomes of learning , and on providing the kind of support which will enable schools to identify for themselves the best possible ways of achieving such goals and outcomes ?
21 It is then necessary to market it , through lectures , seminars , and meetings with governments , business interests , and lawyers , in order to generate a groundswell of support which will help to ensure ratification .
22 The complete absence of information makes it very difficult to uncover the processes of change which may have been at work among the peoples north and south of the Trent during the reign of Eadwine , but it is inconceivable that Eadwine was able to extend his hegemony southwards without first achieving domination of the Mercians .
23 To sum up this section , we can say that the first phrase of a theme may be followed by a second phrase to make a complete sentence , either through exact repetition , or by various degrees of change which can extend to the introduction of completely new material .
24 The nature and degree of insanity which will afford a defence to a criminal charge has from time to time been a matter of considerable discussion .
25 The arms may be covered by a thin covering of skin which may obscure the plates .
26 Other world-wide eustatic causes of sea level change include sedimentary infilling of ocean basins which could give a sea level rise of 4 mm/100 years equivalent to 40 m in a million years ( Higgins , 1965 ) ; orogenic eustasy whereby orogenic uplift creates ocean basins of different size ; geoidal eustasy whereby the ocean surface reflects the variations in the geoid surface due to the earth 's irregular distribution of mass which can give a difference between lows and highs of as much as 180 m .
27 And Melanie 's laughter trickled to nothing when she saw his pale , bony face half-hidden by hair and could see nothing there , no hint of a smile or inflection of tenderness which might mean she would be spared .
28 Here Hilton is more concerned with advising formal patterns of prayer which may help the recluse towards the ability to meditate , though all the time his description of the exercise of spoken prayer is informed by an excited awareness of a form that needs no words in its joyful and peaceful awareness of God .
29 He did n't want to drag them , because even though it would give him more room there would be a risk of noise which might attract the attention of the housekeeper .
30 We believe that a Conservative Government , putting the provision of homes above the sanctity of unpractical doctrines , could stimulate a rate of building which would rise rapidly year by year .
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