Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] for a time " in BNC.

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1 He will be incapable of erection for a time which varies between men and with increasing age from about half an hour to 24 hours ; the circumstantial stimulation , too , will have some effect .
2 It filled you , with glory for a time , but the glory soon departed and then it left upon your spirit , oh , the most appalling ravages .
3 Before 1781 it had consisted of only eight houses , but in that year the Strutts — who had gone into partnership for a time with the then-needy Arkwright — built the large cotton mill that still stands there .
4 Your child has just appeared at a Children 's Hearing and the members of the Panel have decided that your child should be placed on supervision to a social worker and that he/she should live away from home for a time .
5 Most of the Celtic Church 's sacred texts apparently continued in use for a time , after which they were gradually and quietly consigned to the libraries of orthodox Irish abbeys and monasteries .
6 They watched in silence for a time .
7 They walked on in silence for a time , and then Hilary said : ‘ I still think your mum 's playing a dirty game , or she 's imagining things .
8 When you ask him for leave to serve him on this mission he will welcome it as the solution to his anxieties , for even if you are only gone from Kinsai for a time , it will seem to him that you do not mean to impose upon his favour . ’
9 He thought that he lost his hold on sanity for a time then ; he knew , later , that the black despair and the agony of loneliness had closed about him fully , and for an unmeasurable time while his reason spun wildly out of control .
10 E/1omund 's daughter E/1owyn rides into battle and confronts the Nazgul Lord and kills him even though she herself lies near to death for a time afterwards .
11 Stay at Ivrigar for a time , or until I deem it safe to return . ’
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