Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Acting as midwife to the enterprise has been Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios who was assisted by Roberto Valeriani .
2 In a wider sense , we need to consider the effects of world issues such as damage to the environment by pollution of air , soil and water ; the rapidly diminishing rain forests ; wars , famine , and the nuclear threat .
3 At the beginning of her Preface to Divine Songs and Meditacions , Collins claims she undertook to write : ‘ Being through weakness to the house confin'd/My mental powers seeming long to sleep ’ .
4 For his pains in defending Paisley , Boal was fired from his lucrative job as counsel to the Attorney-General .
5 Those drastic price cuts instituted by Univel Inc last week ( CI No 2,128 ) are being seen as response to the nervousness engendered by Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT , the most threatening vapourware ever to descend on the market .
6 Laura moved round to the side of the kiln — it was a roughly built cube of fire-bricks the colour of pale sand , with a bricked-up Norman door-arch on one side and a narrow throat at the rear which led to a tall , cast-iron stovepipe wired for support to the studio wall and a bough of a late-flowering cherry tree across the yard .
7 There is now much more public demand for support to the victims of violent crime .
8 To her relief , Elinor was not slumped on the floor ; deathly white , she clung for support to the silver brocade hangings of her bed .
9 And this she did , holding on for support to the iron rail that rimmed the wooden edge of the cart and which helped to keep the rags in place .
10 If agreed by the Council of Ministers it will form the basis for support to the maintenance of traditional agriculture without intensification .
11 In 1681 Lodwick was elected to membership of the Royal Society , and thereafter frequently acted as auditor to the council .
12 My fellow schoolboys vied with one another for admission to the cinema , so that they could witness X-rated films .
13 Normally GCE ‘ O ’ level or GCSE passes at grade C or above in Mathematics and a science subject ( and , as part of the general entry requirements , English Language ) are required for admission to the Sport and Leisure Studies programmes .
14 A Board of Associateship was set up to manage the new regulations for admission to the Register of Chartered Librarians , and delegated to the Association 's expert Sub-Committee on Training the task of detailed assessment of the training programmes designated to meet these new regulations .
15 All intending applicants for admission to the Faculty of Divinity are always welcome to visit the Faculty for a discussion with a member of staff .
16 This has meant a decline in the number of applications for admission to the Home in recent years , and with the certain reduction in the numbers at the Home in the future by death , it was obvious that the Home — to use a common words these days — was no longer " viable " .
17 In that case there could have been no just criticism of Lincoln 's Inn in the way it had adjudicated on the application of a student applying for admission to the Inn who had had serious criminal convictions between 1956 and 1974 .
18 There was a printed form of recommendation of patients for admission to the benefits of the infirmary , and it was emphasised that no child under seven years of age , except in case of an operation , and no person without decent apparel and a proper change of linen , or labouring under any infectious disorder whatever could be admitted as an in-patient .
19 Exceptionally , candidates with other qualifications will be considered for admission to the course .
20 Any other such applicant as deemed by St Andrew 's College to be suitable for admission to the course .
21 Moreover , since , under section 6(4) all those who had applied for admission to the school had expressed a statutory preference for that school , the rejection of any one of those applicants involved a failure to give effect to the preference of one or more parents .
22 All who have applied for admission to the school are to be taken to have expressed a preference for that school : section 6(4) .
23 Fullers and carpenters required 20 marks for admission to the livery in the late fifteenth century , but in each case the total number of assessments was much less than the number in the contemporary lists , twenty-six and twenty-four respectively , compared with between thirty and forty .
24 Forty patients who qualified for admission to the study ( Tables I and II ) were randomly assigned to receive either omeprazole ( 20 mg twice daily ) ( Antra , Astra Chemicals , Wedel/Holstein , Germany ) before meals and amoxicillin suspension ( 500 mg four times daily ) ( Amoxypen suspension , Grünenthal , Stolberg , Germany ) before meals and at bedtime for two weeks ( group I ) or bismuth subsalicylate ( 600 mg three times daily ) ( Jatrox , Röhm Pharma , Weiterstadt , Germany ) before meale , metronidazole ( 400 mg three times daily ) ( Clont 400 , Bayer , Leverkusen , Germany ) and tetracycline ( 500 mg three times daily ) ( Hostacylkin 500 , Hoechst , Frankfurt , Germany ) after meals , and ranitidine ( 300 mg at night ) for two weeks ( group II ) .
25 It should be remembered that there are no formal rules for admission to the Rowdies .
26 They found many candidates for admission to the colony , and in 1922 Makarenko wrote of them :
27 Students who complete either of the degree programmes will be eligible to apply for admission to the Postgraduate Certificate in Education , appropriate for teaching in secondary schools .
28 Students who complete the four-year sandwich degree will also be eligible for admission to the Postgraduate Certificate in Education .
29 Clearly the relativistic approach of Becker is self evidently required in one form or another in any sociology of deviance , and it is perhaps a rather miserable reflection on the state of the discipline that such an elementary argument is ignored by those who see it as clashing with their struggle for admission to the club of natural science .
30 For this reason , the Faculty advises all those interested in applying for admission to the M.Phil .
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