Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 1920s and 1930s are just as notable for resistance to incursions from the peripheries of the discipline , as for the rise of Scrutiny .
2 Through exposure to children on school practice , through attending lectures , writing essays and being reasonably responsible in college we would ( he said ) be ready , in two years , to enter teaching .
3 However , the grounds for admission to hospital for treatment are unclear .
4 It is also understood that these Biros were capable of telepathically transmitting their cries for freedom to companions of their tormentors , with the result that these would remark , for no logical reason , ‘ You look a right prat with that thing hanging round your neck , throw it away . ’
5 She confirmed at the weekend that she is to try for election to Europe in next year 's polls in the Conservative marginal Euro-constituency of Bedfordshire South .
6 Some offer a chance to meet other people and share activities and a meal ; others offer specialist care , for instance to people with dementia .
7 Brooktree Corp , San Diego and Advanced Micro Devices Inc have settled all pending litigation and agreed not to sue each other on patents related to colour palette chips : the settlement provides for payment to Brooktree of $26.8m from an earlier award of cash damages for patent and mask work infringement and dismissal of all other litigation pending between them .
8 A final dividend of 7.3 pence per ordinary share is recommended by the Directors for payment to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 10 August 1990 .
9 The combination of this group of activists with either the residents or the workers was likely to raise questions on the continued operation of the factory , rather than demands for it to be operated safely , as the activists refused to accept that it was possible to work safely with asbestos or other toxic substances , following their similar rebuttal of threshold limits for exposure to radiation in the anti-nuclear movement .
10 except then if you 're writing off for money to places like Telecom and it 's a national logo
11 By notice of motion dated 12 April 1991 the plaintiff made application to the county court for committal to prison of the defendants , alleging breach of the injunction by their execution of a charge over the property .
12 All that remained was to issue specific orders for action to Kirov in Russia and Phil Andersen in Turkey .
13 All being well this new M O U will be ready for submission to ministers by the middle of this year .
14 The European Commission announced on Sept. 3 that it would buy 45,000 tonnes of surplus Hungarian wheat for transportation to Albania by rail in December .
15 applications for entry to programmes of study
16 I find on the balance of probabilities that if she did not achieve the necessary results for entry to college in the Summer of nineteen eighty seven , she would have achieved such grades by using the year Summer nineteen eighty seven to Summer nineteen eighty eight to re-site whatever was necessary .
17 then entrance requirements for SCE candidates and GCE candidates separately : these include the normal minimum grades required for admission in terms of SCE Highers or GCE A-levels , and any specific subject qualifications required ( such as Higher or A-level Physics for entry to degrees in Engineering ) .
18 With a sharp ear for dialogue and an eye for the engagingly surreal , Amidon charts this trio 's uneasy passage through bereavement to self-discovery against a quirky thriller concerning drought and illegal shenanigans in the water sales business .
19 So these pass on their rubbish to garbage companies , which transport it for burial to states like Ohio that still have landfill space .
20 These are taken from the ends of shoots of current year 's growth while still soft and green , during spring to mid-summer for outdoor plants , almost any time under glass .
21 Brathay Exploration Group ( 05394 33942 ) A revamped and excellent organisation which offers the best chance for 15- to 25-year-olds of getting on an expedition ; this year to South China , Iceland , two to Norway ( Lapland and Jotunheimen ) , around Mont Blanc and to several of the remoter parts of Britain .
22 Whenever damages are paid for harm to property in breach of a duty of care , a transfer of wealth takes place .
23 In the future there will be even more codes of practice , as the aim of a three year co-operative research programme on odours , undertaken jointly by Warren Spring Laboratory , local authorities and industry , was to investigate each method of odour abatement and periodically issue further codes of practice for guidance to industries with odour problems .
24 In return for guidance to riches in copper , Simon would upon his death part with his soul to the terrible one … it was however , to be a very secret pact .
25 2 further patients ( 1 man aged 60 and 1 woman of 61 ) were brought to our institution after exposure to CO at the home of an older relative who had died .
26 Henry sent envoy after envoy to Richard in the hope of calling him back to his side , but not even when he used an ambassador as distinguished as the Archbishop of Canterbury was his son to be persuaded .
27 From the memo it looks as though you ask me for the form as P.A. to Head of Group .
28 A special type of package which is intended for issue to clients as a product .
29 However , as well as a means to drive volume sales , the deal is an obvious way for Sun to back into Microsoft Corp Windows NT .
30 We submit in subsequent chapters proposals for assistance to families in cash and services .
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