Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] so [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 The tsar had been enthusiastic about change so long as he remained in the orbit of Elena Pavlovna , but in St Petersburg his convictions or his courage deserted him .
2 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
3 Recruitment gave us little cause for anxiety so long as the general level of recruitment remained high ( Our intake regularly comprised , in a College that offered a total of 14 academic courses , some 12% of the total numbers , 7% in English and 5% in French ) .
4 Independent soft-commission brokers regard it as an acceptable method of payment so long as they deal at the best price .
5 With regard to " temporality " ( in the sense in which this concept was used above ) , this can not be regarded as a sufficient condition of particularity so long as it is not shown that temporality alone ( in the indicated sense ) ensures numerical identity of particulars ; and if we are to be able to justifiably claim that it is a necessary condition of particularity , we must first show that there can be no extra-temporal particulars . "
6 Western agencies are very envious of Mossad because it relies not on huge arrays of computerised technology but on a small group of efficient and dedicated men and women who are not bothered by any form of morality so long as Israel benefits .
7 This may help to explain , even if it does not wholly excuse , the extraordinary silence of the laws of war so far as nuclear weapons are concerned .
8 The perceived role of the Court and of the Commission as the twin guardians of the Treaty will be sufficient in practice to ensure that the Commission will determine the limits of its own field of competence so far as Article 38 and subsidiarity are concerned .
9 We happen to lie in the line of sight so far as Algol is concerned ( or nearly so ) ; if we were observing from a different vantage point there would be no eclipses , and Algol would shine steadily .
10 In a population confined to a particular habitat competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs .
11 Competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs in the context of finite supplies .
12 They must ascertain the child 's wishes with regard to the provision of accommodation so far as this is reasonably practicable and consistent with his welfare ( s20(6) ) .
13 This Service would provide legal help to CABx and other social agencies , similar to that hitherto provided by solicitors to CABx on an honorary basis ; would establish close liaison between the local profession and CABx and other social services ; would provide oral advice for the public in cases that could be readily disposed of ; would maintain permanent advisory centres where necessary , offering advice and assistance short of proceedings or representation in court ; and would set up permanent local centres offering representation in magistrates ' courts and county courts and the conduct of litigation so far as this could not be absorbed by solicitors ' firms .
14 He added that this order would leave it open to the Press to deal with the questions of principle so far as they did not apply them to the facts .
15 On Feb. 6 the US Secretary of State James Baker announced that the US administration would delay submitting the CFE treaty to Congress for ratification so long as questions remained about Soviet compliance with the treaty .
16 Accordingly , if Mr. Lassman is correct , that kind of activity of going straight to the in-house computer and extracting confidential information from it could be committed with impunity so far as the three offences in this Act are concerned .
17 They are water-based products which dry fairly quickly , and they can be washed off tools and hands with water so long as they are still wet .
18 The company may suffer because , as we have seen , unless such rights have been most carefully drafted , they will not come into operation so long as no action regarding registration is taken by the personal representative and because , if the company had only two members and directors , the death of one may mean that no quorate meetings can be held , and the company may face a petition to wind it up .
19 Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you 're aiming for and do n't let others undermine you .
20 EVERY league game which Aberdeen play is , given the gap between them and Rangers at the top of the Premier Division , an invitation to flirt with disaster so far as the championship race is concerned .
21 It allows the beneficiary under a trust to sue a third party in possession of the object under trust so long as he is not a ‘ bona fide purchaser for value without notice ’ .
22 Her son , who had scarcely known her but felt that his own throne was conceivably under threat so long as she lived , made no great show of grief when the news was brought to him .
23 No one doubted that the disqualification remained in force so far as clergymen of the Church of England were concerned but the position of clergymen of the Irish Church remained in doubt until the election of one of them , the Rev. MacManaway , in 1950 .
24 Chapter 12 contains summaries of the regulatory material presently in force so far as it may affect the running of the partnership business .
25 He derided those who thought it was ‘ all right to stay in opposition so long as your socialist heart is pure ’ , and argued it was not they who suffered , but the poor in Britain and in the third world : ‘ We are not just a debating society .
26 This is regarded as a Good Thing by Orcs who are universally content with their lot , being ultimately happy to meet their end in battle so long as they get a chance of a good fight .
27 The lien of a solicitors ' firm over clients ' papers pending payment of its costs will not be lost by a change in membership so long as the papers have come into the firm 's possession before the change : they can not ( subject always to any specific arrangements with the client to the contrary ) lawfully be retained after such a change in respect of a debt falling due before that event .
28 Such pessimistic Conclusions are rejected by pluralist writers , who believe that the political system can be used to bring about any change in society so long as that is what the majority of people desire .
29 Instead , they are likely to suggest that some methods of discipline can be used to help prevent a young person absconding from care so long as this does them no harm .
30 The strongest ecological difference is that between those who can accept whaling in principle so long as it is properly regulated and those who do not accept whaling in principle at all .
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