Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Before resigning ourselves to permanent depression and a feeling that special needs have slipped from the political agenda , it may be useful to look again at some of the implications for change for the better
2 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
3 Among the supporters of what can be called , for want of a better term , the democrats are three important groups .
4 She felt , in her new severity ( for want of a better word ) only half alive , she knew she wanted the old enthusiasms and passions and expectations to course through her and arouse her .
5 Now , hands are , well , handed for want of a better word .
6 For want of a better location , we ate our picnic lunch in the cemetery with superb views of the north coast .
7 Nevertheless , it is his questions , his ways of telling and , for want of a better phrase , his search in life that make Lepage the avant-garde artist he is .
8 Just horses and ploughs and , for want of a better word , peasants .
9 And then came a moment when I was aware that its personal life was dissolving , and I could somehow perceive that a greater life , a kind of group ‘ bird soul ’ was taking over , for want of a better phrase .
10 Here , on the outskirts of Hassleholm , the quintessential small-town-where nothing-happens , is the house where Neneh Cherry spent at least some of her roving , migrant childhood — her home , for want of a better word .
11 But one thing was niggling away at my conscience ( for want of a better word ) .
12 On the other hand , the ‘ behaviourists ’ ( for want of a better term ) argue that the responsibility lies fairly and squarely with individuals who are now fully informed of the dangers they face in perpetuating life-threatening behaviours .
13 Did not everyone , of necessity , overlook a large part of what might be termed , for want of a better word , the truth ?
14 Winter-lets are not intrinsically bad , but they are ‘ symptoms rather than causes of insecure housing , chiefly because many authorities ignore the needs of people who have to resort to them for want of a better choice … . ’
15 Personally , for want of a better alternative , I 've resorted to the rather shameful practice of sanctimony-baiting .
16 You 've not only you 're , you 're not only yourself but you 've got ki , your child to look , look after , you 've also got who you 're caring for , you 've got their emotional needs as well , and you 're emotional needs tend to take a back seat , for want of a better way of putting it .
17 These , well , these natural children , for want of a better expression , are not at all uncommon over there .
18 We 've got to sort of create the world , and so forth , and sort of run it , and so on , and , well , try to make some kind of , of , of sort of viable proposition of it , and all the rest of it , and it just seems to me that we can get better results if we treat the , if we treat the sort of , well , for want of a better word , the local inhabitants with a certain amount of , of , of respect , and , and , and trust , and and , if we help them , and and guide them , to the point where they can become sort of independent and sort of self-governing , within the framework of the free , well , of the free , sort of , well , of the , yes , free kind of system that we enjoy ourselves . ’
19 Only a minute or two earlier you were saying things like : ‘ It 's just a sort of a , a sort of a , a , a , a question of as it were sort of behaving sort of , well , for want of a better word , decently , sort of thing . ’
20 Erm Yeah , and they say that er before we actually erm do a speech convergence for want of a better phrase , erm that we kind of weigh up in our heads , quickly , the rewards and cost of you know alternative courses of action .
21 When modern social anthropologists write about " primitive " peoples it is for want of a better vocabulary ; they could just as well be writing about " other " peoples .
22 I write about these themes myself but often only for want of a better language .
23 ‘ After all it was you who — er — spilled the beans , for want of a better phrase , was n't it ? ’
24 I mean , it er portrait really is the right sort of subject to , to try out this kind of technique because er , it does n't have impact , and here because the green and the erm er , this , th for want of a better colour , it 's really red , it 's a sort of purply colour , they 're very dark and th the , the actual head does n't really stand out very much from the from the background , I think the background
25 Team ‘ A ’ for want of a better name consisted of Jim Cardin ( it was he who spilled the beans to the Glenpatrick News but was n't given much option ) , Eddie Bell , Michael Stewart , Leala Smith , Andy Beattie and John Turnbull .
26 This error is what might , for want of a better term , be called the individualistic fallacy — a methodological heresy which nicely complements the equally absurd holistic fallacy in the social sciences .
27 For want of a better word they 're actually stolen books are stolen .
28 We did meet three times , and , and , and the , the steps erm , under reductions get er , er , gradually worse for want of a better phrase , in relation to how we 're able to deliver the service .
29 Anybody who can read the Latin is held by the poem : its hold , however , is in the language , the typical Horation speed — for want of a better word — the eloquent economy of phrase , the loading of the text with allusions and with metaphors overt and covert .
30 remind you that all money at the moment goes either to first which is n't quite so bad cos they 're family but a vast amount goes into and , both of whom have therefore access to our commercial sensitive , for want of a better term , information and we want to control that .
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