Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 The erm point about are distribution within Greater York is that we have attempted to look at this in what I think is a a rational and realistic manner , we have looked , and you 'll see this from our supplementary paper , I apologize for its lateness , but I think it 's benefited from the additional thought that could be given to it , we have looked both backwards , at the present day , and forwards , we 've looked backwards at past build rates , we 've looked at the present day position in the sense of the population shares within Greater York , and we 've looked forwards in terms of the commitment figures that are given in the N Y one paper that we 've just been looking at , and taking all those things into account , and adding in what we see as the right location for a new settlement , namely Selby district , we come to the figures that are in our supplementary paper , and there is clearly a great deal of common ground between the evidence you get from looking either at past building rates or population shares , as now , or future commitments which all point towards a broadly similar distribution , we say , with the addition of a new feature namely the new settlement , so that I commend those figures to you as somebody who 's actually dared to put their toe , or maybe their whole body into the water , and given you not only some numbers , but also a basis by which if you should er have a different Greater York figure in mind , a basis on which that could be rationally er approached , I would not certainly defend to the last ditch the need to put a figure of fifty dwellings into the structure plan for the Hambledon part of Greater York , there may be a cut off point beyond which you do n't go , but certainly for Ryedale and Selby , with very substantial numbers there is a need to indicate what the appropriate division should be , and you could not for instance indicate what the er Ryedale non Greater York figure was , without someone telling us the , as the Chairman rightly said , having an idea of what the Ryedale Greater York figure should be , so it is n't really I think feasible to have district figures for non Greater York , and one Greater York figure , that does n't er get away from the issue , and nor does it solve the potential for confusion .
2 But at least give that person whose turn er , on the Management Committee for representing er , another committee , give him the opportunity to s either speak on it , or to say whether or not he wishes to carry on and of course to see what the vote people would take , and to put himself forward even so , which unfortunately , I was n't er , able to do so .
3 But the majority of policemen and women we encountered were not like this and did not engage in little acts of subterfuge to limit what the field-worker saw or heard because either they had nothing to hide or , more rarely , they were not concerned to conceal it .
4 Foreign Agriculture is full of evidence to suggest what the cynical reader must have already suspected , and what the open minded reader may well be beginning to suspect .
5 Similarly , Article 13 is expressly designed to allow service by post unless the law of the state of destination contains what the commentary describes as a ‘ positive prohibition ’ of such service , a requirement which is quite unrealistic in the context of the legal tradition of many countries which would actually take grave exception to such service .
6 He underlined the need for art to communicate what the artist has felt :
7 He said : ‘ One has to keep it under review to see what the need might be . ’
8 The problem with framing the duty to act in the company 's interests in terms of subjective intentions , however , is that in practice determining what the directors ' true objectives are will often be beyond the court 's capabilities .
9 If the exclusive is now commonplace ( it is n't really , but unfortunately some people do n't know that ) , and if exclusivity can mean so many different things simultaneously , it has now become necessary to look beyond just fashion in apparel to explore what the class-cultural dynamics now are .
10 If one has to resort to such an intentional framework in order to make sense of the behaviour , in order to explain what the creatures are doing and why , and has so to resort after exhausting all possibilities of more austere , less anthropomorphic frameworks of explanation , then one is on the route to linguistic meanings .
11 Yes , erm tha that 's that 's an explanation really of what is in the picture and somebody comments on it in in in order to suggest what the point being made is .
12 It seems to be one thing ( and a wrong thing by the Bill of Rights ) , to impeach or question proceedings in Parliament ; it seems to be quite another to ask a House to confirm whatever it is necessary to confirm in order to ascertain what the House has resolved .
13 A part of the recent NHS White paper was devoted to the need for hospitals to undertake much more extensive ‘ market research ’ in order to establish what the clients ( patients ? ) wanted to be provided .
14 The rule as now settled is that they are inadmissible in order to show what the committee thought its proposals meant , but admissible under the rule in Heydon 's case to the extent that they show the mischief against which the Act was directed .
15 In order to discover what the patient can and can not do , the nurse will be seeking answers to the following questions :
16 The language of the Code is taken to constitute the major premise so that Lord Herschell said in Bank of England v Vagliano Brothers [ 1891 ] AC 107 : " [ T ] he law should be ascertained from interpreting the language used instead of , as before , roaming over a vast number of authorities in order to discover what the law was … " ( p145 ) .
17 I attended the launch of the Wearfit Club but did so in order to discover what the circus was all about .
18 His employers , confident of his loyalty , tell him that he should always go to lunch to see what the rivals are offering .
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