Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 During ministerial-level talks the two sides agreed to establish a joint co-operation commission .
2 After breakfast came the one happy moment of the day , when the pupils could play and talk freely .
3 Reporting on the decade of change following the 1971 Census , the CES found : first , in those areas under consideration , there has been a population decline of 20 per cent , whereas the population at large has grown .
4 As he said ( through the journal of his grandfather ) ‘ I will never be free from this old tyranny : I believe with a perfect faith … ’ ( which is how the statement of faith called the 13 creeds begins ) .
5 In both the United States and Britain those of a conservative turn of mind regretted the 1960s ’ emphasis on rights , especially welfare rights and , as they saw it , the decline of the concomitant sense of obligation to state and society .
6 The decision increased the degree of uncertainty surrounding the 1990 mayoral election , as none of the candidates for the Democratic primary , scheduled for the Sept. 11 , had managed to establish a clear lead .
7 This manner of association places the two C-terminal stalk regions some 140 apart ( Fig.5 a ) , oriented so that their polypeptide chains can each continue into the membranes of separate cells .
8 Clearly , the only time it becomes a matter of skill to ensure the two move side by side is when contracts are actually exchanged .
9 On Oct. 29 an Israeli government commission of inquiry cleared the three crew members , saying that they had taken the right decision .
10 Find every instance of paint using the two default conditions stated above .
11 A layer of liquid separates the two and this absorbs the chitin from the old skeleton , leaving the hard sclerotinised parts connected by the thinnest of tissues .
12 These proposals and many more formed the basis of legislation following the 1987 general election — as too did the model report from Dame Mary Warnock that I commissioned into human fertilization and embryology .
13 Though Ciullo by Rossetti 's reckoning composed the poem in the 1170s , at least twenty years before Frederick Hohenstaufen came to the throne of Sicily , Pound in The Spirit of Romance juxtaposes the two names , presumably as ‘ an instigation ’ — though to what , it is not easy to say .
14 Teesside Chamber of Commerce asked the three main political parties in the marginal seat of Darlington where they stand on the issues facing industry .
15 Cheney 's unexpected decision was the culmination of several weeks of controversy surrounding the A-12 .
16 Before that the rector of Worth travelled the four miles along the Priest 's Way to officiate at Swanage .
17 The shape of the island , he told her , was a rough figure-of-eight , with a narrow neck of land joining the two halves of landmass .
18 In its formal reading of the judgment on March 27 , the Court of Appeal vindicated the three appeal judges , led by Lord Lane , who in 1987 had dismissed the mens ' appeals , saying that the scientific issues were not the same .
19 The simplest , and cheapest , method is to get hold of a couple of free ( public domain ) , cheap ( shareware ) or full price communications packages and a bit of wire to hook the two systems together with .
20 The code applied to all Anglo gold and coal mines and was the result of four years of negotiation following the 1987 miners ' strike [ see pp. 35622-23 ] .
21 As Clower pointed out , it takes a strange contortion of language to characterize the 1930s as a period in which the basic problem was that of an excess demand for goods !
22 Only with the passage of time did the two channels come to be seen widely as part of a single public service system .
23 Many are questioning the threat of a £400 fine , which is being imposed for failure to complete the 1991 census .
24 The structure of OS/400 and the hardware are being remodelled not only to look and behave more like Unix , but actually be more like Unix ; with commitment to support the four basic level Posix standards , 1003.1 to 1003.4 , IBM says Posix will be central to the re-design of OS/400 , built into the licensed internal code beneath the machine interface level .
25 THE SOVIET UNION will probably send a new crew into space to man the Salyut-7 space station next month .
26 Autodesk Inc , Sausalito , California has decided that IBM Corp 's Cadam Inc computer-aided design software base is ripe for plundering , and is developing two Cadam-emulation products , Aemulus and Aemulus(mf) , which are now in alpha test : the products , which offer a Cadam-like user interface and bi-directional compatibility with Cadam files , are also compatible with AutoCAD Release 12 ; Aemulus is an AutoCAD Development System application with a Cadam-like graphics interface and command set and enables customers to edit existing Cadam models or create new Cadam-compatible models on the desktop ; Aemulus(mf) is a mainframe-resident program that enables customers to quickly and completely convert Cadam two-dimensional Interactive Drawing files to DXF files or vice versa ; both are set for shipment in May 1993 but pricing has not yet been decided ; the company also says that it is expanding its product line beyond the drafting portion of the design spectrum it has traditionally occupied to cover the entire spectrum from conceptualisation to manufacturing , and that as a first step its three top-selling drafting and design packages , AutoCAD , Generic CADD and AutoSketch , have been brought together under one organisational umbrella , and are being precisely defined and clarified in terms of their relationship to each other ; development is under way to enable the three products to work together and share files across networks .
27 MOVES are under way to switch the Five Nations Championship from its traditional position in the rugby calendar to March and April .
28 The Quest for Gold Program , initiated in April 1992 , uses criteria from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Six Sigma Philosophy for quality to evaluate the 100 suppliers providing equipment and materials to National for its manufacturing processes .
29 All contributions to the pulse echo from anywhere along the line XY , which in practice means the two patches of the planet 's surface on this line , corresponds to unique values of a certain two quantities which no other points on the surface possess .
30 On the production side we have in effect collapsed the two sectors into one .
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