Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Banks rather than state grants have been used for investment capital as part of a strategy to protect that autonomy .
2 But many package organisers book hotels in this country for tourists to the UK or even domestic tours such as coach tours as part of a package .
3 In theory , areas of acoustic clarity would be identified on the basis of bottom-up information as seed words .
4 The report , which examined whether industry , commerce and the police had sufficient specialist advice to assist in the detection and investigation of offences , recommends that business and the Government highlight the cost of computer misuse as part of an overall promotion of computer security awareness ; conduct regular surveys of the incidence of computer misuse ; and encourage the development of a directory of suppliers of expert advice .
5 I have experience of teaching French as part of an interdisciplinary degree course in which the study of 1 or 2 modern languages is combined with ( inter alia ) history and/or literature and/or linguistics .
6 There is also considerable potential and interest in the extraction and use of vegetable oils as diesel fuels .
7 the borrowing of money for the partnership 's business , or the pledging of partnership property as security for a loan ;
8 The aim is to get more detailed information about levels of car fumes as part of the next phase of the district council 's monitoring programme .
9 In some computers all accumulators may be used as index registers , although an index specification of zero usually means no indexing rather than a specification of accumulator zero as index register : this is the case on the IBM 370 range .
10 It is also found in body fat and it accumulates in the liver , muscles and walls of blood vessels as part of a disease process .
11 Thus James Brindley set out to drain Longdon Marsh in Worcestershire , and the duke of Bridgewater organized drainage of the northern part of Chat Moss as part of his canal building .
12 The Charity wants a million pounds and a million items of winter clothing as part of their 'Cold Front' appeal .
13 Secondly , it explores the creation and institutionalisation of community groups as part of the processes of channelling state funds into revitalising neighbourhoods .
14 We discussed in Chapter 7 how a camera might be used in the classroom to record student performance , and in Chapter 9 the recording of teacher performance as part of a teacher-training programme .
15 Data collected by this method are usually in the form of x , y co-ordinates , and are passed into a pattern recogniser , which will aim to produce characters , or a number of candidate characters as output , usually by matching against a database .
16 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
17 a concentrated effort will be made with departments to encourage further involvement of employer partners as guest lecturers ; in the process of course development ; in selection of staff .
18 Though no eye-witness survived , there is reason to believe that it all began with some Bavarian soldiers brewing up coffee — in a delightfully careless South German way — on upturned cordite cases , using explosive scooped out of hand grenades as fuel !
19 There is , however , a turning point between fourth and sixth parities , after which the chances of survival decrease as birth order rises .
20 Lévi-Strauss 's analysis of kinship structures as symbol systems in which female objects of exchange act as signifiers has been the most influential extension of structuralist linguistic analysis into this field .
21 In a recent letter to the Journal of Documentation , Smith lists eleven drawbacks to the use of citation analysis as research indicators .
22 ‘ She was a fine , big woman with hair black as night , ’ Hepzibah said .
23 Charles 's daughter Sarah had made a prudent marriage , and quite late in life , too : the ceremony at St John 's had taken place on her thirty-fifth birthday , with sister Mary as witness .
24 They are also encouraged to discuss disappointing results with module leaders as part of the learning process and , with luck , use this information to improve performance on subsequent modules .
25 With water cold as ice .
26 He dioctylated α-CD at room temperature using bromooctane in the presence of NaOH , with dimethyl sulphoxide as solvent .
27 THE POGUES play a brace of major Christmas dates with Spider Stacey as lead vocalist .
28 Odds ratios adjusted for age and period were 2.7 ( 95% confidence interval 2.0 to 3.6 ) for men and 1.0 ( 0.8 to 1.3 ) for women , with colon cancer as control and 2.1 ( 1.5 to 2.8 ) for men and 1.2 ( 0.9 to 1.6 ) for women with stomach cancer as control .
29 We could also extend to all pupils the advantage bilingual pupils have in recognising language as a symbolic system , which helps with understanding mathematics as communication , by utilising the different languages in our society .
30 The same year he reported his findings into the Ministry of Commerce after his two year probe into company law as chairman of the Company Law Committee .
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