Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [Wh det] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 take seriously the possibility of institutional dominance posed by the existence of their own and other welfare organisations … they would be concerned to consider options for change which challenge the vested interest , or the market position of their organisation itself — for instance by acting as subordinate partner to other agencies in a cooperative venture .
2 After a buffet lunch with various head office guests , Mike Bloy and Morton Henderson led a discussion and syndicate session entitled Managing People Through Change which analysed the various factors both physical and emotional that the modern manager must be aware of in order to react and communicate in a positive and constructive way .
3 The legislative function is exercised mainly through Parliament which has the power to make laws of general applicability and to grant to other bodies the power to make delegated legislation under authority of an act of parliament .
4 For instance what do the colours at the very top of the page mean ?
5 The only proper way to acknowledge the arbitrator 's authority is to take it to be a reason for action which replaces the reasons on the basis of which he was meant to decide .
6 A radical approach to shared assessment , which emphasises the importance of getting to know and understand each other ; the identification of aims in terms of what people would like to see happening ; and a process of considering plans for action which recognises the existence of different perspectives , moves the focus away from the usual concern with the individual and how he/she should change , to focus instead on the role of other people and wider circumstances .
7 Consequently , primary prevention within a social work context may be seen as action which prevents the need for allocation of client status ( Benn , 1976 ; Richards , 1987 ) .
8 Overall , they are not nearly so trendy as articles about architecture which let the fortuitous effect of individual photographs lead the text into exaggeration and bombast .
9 Perhaps a future generation will come to recognize that the most misguided , though well intentioned , feature of our present age was that , having discovered by the methods of genuine science that man is a single zoological species and thus a unity in his physical nature , we tried , by political coercion and propaganda , to impose on man , as cultural moral being , a comparable sense of unity which contradicts the very essence of our human nature .
10 This was the sixth IMF loan to Argentina since 1983 , a level of support which recognized the move away from traditional state-led economic policies and support of the welfare state in favour of austerity , tight fiscal control and an ambitious privatization programme [ see pp. 37500 ; 37529 ; 37608 ; 37710 ; 37773 ; 38096 ; 38003 ] .
11 They are locked into a broader pattern of support which spans the three generations of parents and children , rather than existing on their own terms .
12 Time is that aspect of change which bridges the gap between the universe and its model , being ‘ a moving image of eternity ’ .
13 Such a view of ‘ sociology ’ sets up another binary derived from the police preference for a Manichaean world created on homologies of ‘ good — evil ’ , and further reflects the ferocious resistance to and fear of change which permeates the organization ( see for example Weatheritt 1986 , Butler 1984 , and Adams 1988 ) .
14 Before that he had worked as GM in Brazil , exploring a portfolio of acreage which included the great tracts of land in which BP was an interest holder in the middle Amazon basin as well as onshore blocks in the Parana Basin and offshore in the Sergipe Alagoas Basin .
15 The scheme was planned and is being managed by Emstar , a subsidiary of Shell which provided the finance .
16 Together with the other forests of the Empire it forms a continuous block of woodland which dominates the whole central area of the Empire .
17 It is exactly this kind of function which gives the first three examples their odd effect .
18 The Hegelian model of the coexistence of presence which allows the possibility of the ‘ essential section ’ is incompatible with this description , but Althusser continues to assume nevertheless that there is a totality and that it has ‘ the structure of an organic hierarchised whole ’ ( 98 ) .
19 Many attempts have been made to find a version of utilitarianism which avoids the oddities both of straight totalistic utilitarianism and straight average utilitarianism but none seems to be really satisfactory .
20 I am concerned here with that mode of camp which undermines the categories which exclude it , and does so through parody and mimicry .
21 One area of boilerplate which concerns the buyer rather more than the seller is the question of the right to assign or sub-contract all or part of the order .
22 This particular initiative in community education , although building on a period of active community involvement , set out at an early stage to involve local residents in controlling the educational programme and establishing a structure for participation which , it was hoped , would avoid the sort of elitism which beset the WEA .
23 Mr Foster recommended the Swedish law of allemansratt which gives the public a general right of access over uncultivated , unfenced land , subject to the protection of residential privacy and reasonable management needs .
24 The story it tells is close to the historical details already described , but there is an overlay of romanticism which brings the dry facts to life .
25 It has been argued by Clegg ( 1976 ) that in terms of the causal direction of the relationship it is the level of bargaining which determines the degree of centralisation , with the result that power is decentralised within organisations when bargaining takes place at a decentralised level , and vice versa .
26 Like Eliot 's sharply witty version of this paradox : The wounded surgeon plies the steel That questions the distempered part ; Beneath the bleeding hands we feel The sharp compassion of the healer 's art Resolving the enigma of the fever chart , the meditator in the short text exclaims : But the force of this metaphor of healing is lost , together with the lyrical cadences of alliteration , in the long version : This existentially known contrast between the body of death through which is encountered the possibility of life is at the heart of Christian mysticism itself experienced in playing the game of faith which renews the truth of the Incarnation .
27 In Textermination the reader 's mind becomes a veritable anthology of literature which supplants the author 's literary heritage as the source on which the novel draws .
28 Both are projected activities , for in each case one 's attention is directed away from oneself , which is of course what offers the protection .
29 Indeed , the very existence of power relies on a multiplicity of points of resistance which play the role of ‘ adversary , target , support or handle in power relations ’ .
30 He inherited a tradition of teaching which stressed the essential unknowability of God by human faculties .
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