Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was afraid , waiting for Mum to raise her hand , but she did not move .
2 GMTV took over the morning franchise from TV-am and last month brought in LWT 's chief executive Greg Dyke as chairman to spearhead its fight for more viewers .
3 Teachers looking for funding to support their research can apply to the Scottish Office Education Department for a grant under its sponsored research programme .
4 The tax was rushed through Parliament to ensure its arrival on the statute books before the election , and it may repeat some of the community charge 's mistakes .
5 It must be for Parliament to decide what documentary material or testimony it requires and the extent to which Parliamentary privilege should attach .
6 Many thanks to George S. Hearse & David Baynes for permission to use their photographs in this set ‘ B ’ .
7 In the next year and a half Dr Chick expects to apply to America 's Food and Drug Administration for permission to test his device in people .
8 Erm asking for permission to put their names forward and from the , the few letters we had the , this was that we thought was the whitest knights in terms of Geography in terms of sex in terms of I would n't say intelligence , perhaps I should try to impress them !
9 Society members who are at present on our own list would be asked for permission to allow their names to go forward enabling us to take part and benefit .
10 In what was to become typical behaviour for mining companies in Ireland , the company did not ask local landowners for permission to enter their lands to prospect .
11 While they had not asked for permission to enter his lands and claimed they were not in a position to pay for the disturbance , they promised he would be well looked after if the find was as good as appeared .
12 If someone has looked after your child for 5 years or more they could apply to the court for permission to adopt your child .
13 Consequently , he plundered the sanctuaries of Delphi , Epidaurus and Olympia , and gold and silver were collected throughout the Peloponnese to be melted down for coin to pay his armies .
14 Barnet , desperate for money to resolve their problems , are likely to net around £500,000 from the sale to Notts County of striker Gary Bull , cousin of Wolves striker Steve .
15 The Great Sancy takes it name from a French ambassador to Turkey who acquired it in Constantinople and on his return to France in 1593 lent it to Henry IV as a pledge for money to pay his troops .
16 ISF officials are selecting researchers on the basis of the quality and quantity of their published output ( see Nature 362 , 95 ; 1993 ) , although only a portion of the 35,000 who are eligible are applying for money to keep their laboratories going .
17 Has been writing to big businesses for money to help their funds .
18 As always he waited for Garry to decide what games were to be played .
19 I think it may well be necessary for Chapter to terminate his contract with us in the near future . ’
20 He would look up from his newspaper after supper to find her eyes fixed on him , in a way which brought back to him the passion with which she had kissed him upon the moor .
21 There are six , two in one department and four in another , I believe it is. erm if you look at erm the way our departments are dotted all over the City , on expensive leases in fact , we 've taken property after property to accommodate our staff and they all need cleaners , so on and so forth .
22 The government in January 1990 gave up its attempt to join the Union monétaire ouest africaine ( UMOA ) , whose members ' currencies were linked to the French franc , and decided to turn to Portugal for help to make its currency convertible .
23 POLICE hunting a businessman 's killer appealed yesterday for help to find his clothes .
24 In addition , the train will be parked on Dduallt siding for lunch to enable their passengers to watch the service train climb Britain 's only spiral .
25 Ipuky was caught too off guard to conceal his reaction .
26 I 've had to take time off work to get my ticket .
27 The FCO is waiting , it says , for Ratliff to clarify his plans before it comes to a decision .
28 It 's a chance for rugby to throw its weight around .
29 And Lancaster was just the sort of geezer to know his solicitor 's telephone number off by heart .
30 Robyn tipped back her head and allowed the sharp , cool tang of champagne to enter her mouth .
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