Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [v-ing] with the " in BNC.

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1 The belief that they do so , and compete for household spending with the costs of other ‘ consumer durables ’ until an acceptable living standard is achieved , is one of the underlying assumptions of the ‘ New Home Economics ’ approach to the economic analysis of family size variation , although one which has been strongly attacked ( Blake 1968 ) .
2 It also includes people who were resident in the United Kingdom on or after 10 December 1974 and in not less than 17 of the 20 years of assessment ending with the year of assessment in which the relevant time falls ( see IHTA 1984 , s267 ) .
3 What planning should he undertake with respect to inheritance tax — bearing in mind that under the deemed domicile provisions in IHTA 1984 , s267(1) the taxpayer is deemed to be domiciled in the United Kingdom if he was so domiciled three years immediately preceding his death or he was resident in the United Kingdom in not less than 17 of the 20 years of assessment ending with the year of assessment in which the death occurs ?
4 Operation Cyril One of our biggest successes against the rapidly growing menace of drug smuggling with the new cutter fleet was code-named Cyril .
5 I should like to thank all our workforce , the majority of whom are of course remaining with the company , for their impressive commitment to getting on with the job in hand , despite the company 's problems .
6 IBM Corp 3172 functionality will be provided on the company 's router systems as phase 3 of the plan during the first half of next year , while during the second half there will be an expansion of multiprotocol routing with the inclusion of APPN/NN routing .
7 The little pulls of wind playing with the leaves were getting stronger now , shaking the petals from the wild roses and throwing them at the diners as if they were confetti .
8 Comparison of practice prescribing with the family health services authority average
9 The two of them had been virtually inseparable — periods of separation coinciding with the respective presences of boy-friends ; even though Sheila had left university abruptly in her second year , hating the academic competitiveness .
10 That emerges clearly from one textbook definition of the study of constitutional law as ‘ that body of knowledge dealing with the law of the constitution in a broader sense … matters pertaining to the organisation of government and its relation to citizens ’ .
11 I also did a great deal of amateur acting with the Progress Theatre in Reading .
12 The room was crowded , the hub of conversation mingling with the soft strains of music that issued from overhead speakers .
13 1104.1 Example heads of agreement dealing with the sale of a company ( detailed version )
14 If we can associate certain patterns of family living with the process of industrialization then what were these particular patterns , and were they caused by industrialization or a necessary pre-condition for it ?
15 Even so , the mortality rates for abortion tend generally to rise with age beginning with the 15–24 class , showing among other things , a probable increase in unwanted births with age and , therefore , with rising parity .
16 In summary , a 30 second delay in cord clamping with the infant held 20 cm below the introitus gives a higher initial packed cell volume and higher arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratios ( implying less right to left shunting of deoxygenated blood at cardiac or pulmonary level ) on the first day .
17 It is clear from the context of such pairs that in every case where the second speaker responds to a proposition of the first speaker with " you know what I mean ! " or " you know ! " , the second speaker is in fact agreeing with the first .
18 Their syllabus should include , on a reading list that would hopefully keep them indoors for a long time , the extensive article published in Mountain dealing with the affair .
19 The private sector has also responded to the need with , for example , Butterworth 's European Community Legislation : Current Status , which lists all Community legislation since 1952 ( except for legislation dealing with the daily running of the Communities ) and indicates whether it is currently in force , amended , repealed , or spent .
20 And a remaining obstacle to firm dealing with the Prince of Wales would have been Baldwin 's deep-rooted distaste for grasping nettles which were not pushed into his hands .
21 The Government are spending about half a billion pounds per year dealing with the serious international problems caused by drug traffickers trying to bring drugs into Britain .
22 ‘ I had contact with hundreds of people prior to my first face to face meeting with the kidnappers in Beirut , ’ Waite said in a statement yesterday .
23 John Richmond , of MCMS at Torness , recently returned for a year at Kozloduy NPP in Bulgaria where he was Engineer responsible for Requalification Testing with the WANO team .
24 He needs continually to be at work dealing with the shifting population of a modern age , so that people who move house to a new estate shall still find a priest and a sacrament for their souls .
25 Now I want to look at pattern knitting with the colour changer .
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