Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It calls for an alliance between environmentalists , consumer organizations , churches and trade unions , but concludes that the real impetus for change will come when Southern countries challenge the North 's addiction to consumer lifestyles .
2 Those readers who have applied to traditional funding organisations for support will know that their ideas will be subjected to independent ‘ peer ’ review ; that is , comments are invited ( often in secret ) from those working in related fields on the quality of the proposed research and its chances for success .
3 But the mining of coastal coral for building must stop or the protection which it gives against waves and flooding will be lost .
4 Note that for a given level of income , the transactions demand for money would rise if more households were paid fortnightly or monthly rather than weekly .
5 Under the Trade Disputes Act 1906 no action for conspiracy would lie unless the act would be unlawful if done by a person alone .
6 The frequency of remarriage after divorce must mean that so-called reconstituted families have become an increasingly significant social phenomenon .
7 Developments like this mean that even if alluvial gold gives out or becomes less profitable , the uncontrolled search for wealth will continue and accelerate .
8 An application of the but for test will mean that neither A nor B will be liable .
9 ‘ Although it 's not so much I who has to please them as my ideas , since a lack of support would hamper or even prevent their implementation — but those I 've already mooted have met with even less resistance than I anticipated . ’
10 The patient may make a decision which is limited in scope , and there may also be the situation where no decision is made and in those circumstances the principle of necessity will apply as set out in the speech of Lord Goff of Chieveley in In re F. ( Mental Patient : Sterilisation ) [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 1 , 75 .
11 The type of building can determine and/or limit the service being offered to dementia sufferers .
12 There are genuine ways in which tests against the history of physics can support or discredit Lakatos 's methodology .
13 Our information on amounts and type of interaction would suggest that such an atmosphere did exist .
14 For a time teachers of literature could assume that they were in but not of the academy , and keep a healthy distance from institutional pressures .
15 Cynics of course would hold that the power potential and the danger that exists at the interface of the physical and the metaphysical exists only in the human imagination .
16 That of course will go and what 's more there 's going to be some drag hunting on his land of which he will not be consulted because if you had to negotiate with organisations for controlled access to its land for the use of drag hunting .
17 1.2 " the Tenant " does not include any successors in title of the Tenant Unless the agreement provides otherwise , privity of contract will ensure that the original parties remain in a contractual relationship inter se to the extent of their obligations under the agreement .
18 Given this degree of disenchantment with the classical system , teachers of the law of contract must recognize that the organizing principles are shifting .
19 Assuming the latter to be the case , a specimen letter of resignation might read as follows : The Directors XYZ Limited ( Registered Office )
20 A lack of response would suggest that the high concentration of alcohol is the principal factor .
21 Money of yew will agree that this was owr best proformance of the season so there an owne goal by Davedoyle rite from the kockiff was not a good start but too superherb hedders from Royston Marlee , playing with hevily bandiged neez , one the day four us .
22 If the Attorney-General 's submission is correct , any comment in the media or elsewhere on what is said in Parliament would constitute ‘ questioning ’ since all Members of Parliament must speak and act taking into account what political commentators and other will say .
23 The velocity of circulation will rise if there is a reduction in idle balances .
24 Over time , however , the balance of effect may change as the technology matures , competitors develop rival products or regulations shift .
25 Dr Tipler argues — hopefully , but un-convincingly — that a natural tendency towards altruism will ensure that this resurrection is pleasant : heavenly , rather than infernal .
26 Employees must notify their Head of Department where the normal mode of transport is changed and the Head of Department will determine if any adjustment is to be made to compensation and arrangements .
27 Therefore , while absence may spell the end of acquaintanceship , it will not in itself destroy friendship ; and while Dr Johnson was right to say that we should keep our friendships in good repair , the perpetual shoring up of friendship might suggest that it were less enduring than we had supposed .
28 ‘ Under the wrong king this tide of violence might swirl and sweep south across the border . ’
29 As we saw earlier , the designers of TRACE would say that these approaches are based on some fundamental misconceptions about the nature of speech recognition .
30 The second clause of the company 's memorandum of association must state that the company is a public limited company .
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