Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If we were to do that , I would not rule out any particular proposed change to the role and structure of the district councils , but proposals for change would need to be likely to command widespread support and to provide an appropriate and fair role for both sides of the community .
2 A shift to kerosene is very costly and nowadays fuel for cooking may absorb to up to 15–20 per cent of a poor household 's income ( see Schroeder 1977 , Ives 1981 ) .
3 Humanist psychology 's caution about change can add to egalitarian feminist psychology 's existing theoretical timidity .
4 The future pressures to constrain the improvement of hill land for agriculture will have to be assessed in relation to the declining area of hill land and the need for meat production from this resource .
5 Responsibility for provision may change without corresponding changes in the source of finance .
6 Such firms must , however , maintain a list of all the partners at their principal premises for inspection by interested persons during normal business hours and a statement that such list is available for inspection must appear on business correspondence .
7 It was unclear where responsibility for child-minders , registration of playgroups , etc. would rest in the new organisation , but it was possible that the new provisions in the Children Bill going through parliament would allow for those services to be provided through education departments .
8 Caesium-137 for instance can stay in the body of a child for 30-50 days and in that of an adult for 70-100 days .
9 Better value for money would result from less use of custody for many classes of offender .
10 Some have speculated that the setback for SF will lead to increased IRA violence .
11 By definition the gene must promote the reproductive success of the selfish organisms at a cost to itself but a gene for altruism could evolve in a population of selfish individuals a population of altruists , in whom a gene for selfishness appears by random mutation .
12 The crew greeted my arrival on board with facetious comments : " Anyone going trawling for pleasure should go to Hell for a pastime , " was one of them .
13 According to the EIT , funds for research should rise to Ecu5m next year .
14 The three candidates Mr Fowler , Mrs Fletcher and Frank Cook , who defends the seat for Labour will speak at an open forum arranged by the Christian Election Forum in Norton parish church , at 8pm on Sunday .
15 Only when some convincing reason can be adduced for believing that both employers and workers not only misread market signals , but also misread them in the opposite direction from each other , will it be plausible to infer that both the supply of and demand for labour will rise with the general rise in prices and money wages .
16 The marginal productivity condition of perfect competition is continuously operative so that , given the conventional shape of the short-run production function and of its derivative , the marginal physical product of labour function , an increase in the demand for labour will have to be accompanied by a reduction in the real wage rate .
17 Lack of continuity of work for labour can occur on an individual project , between one project and the next , or as a result of changes in the location of construction activity .
18 Therefore , to prove their usefulness the suggested criteria for hypoxaemia will have to be prospectively validated in other clinical settings , at sea level and above , and in groups of patients with a range of severity of disease .
19 TONIGHT : Clear periods and light winds after dark will lead to a marked fall in temperature .
20 However , a well looked after culture should last at least three to four months , at which time it is probably best to dump ninety percent of the medium and to then add fresh medium .
21 A call for lunch could come at noon .
22 But if they become a normal event , all papers prepared for Council will have to be written with a much wider audience in mind .
23 It appears that certain people have a predisposition to develop Reiter 's disease and it is possible that the organism responsible for NGU can act as a ‘ trigger ’ which sets off the inflammatory process .
24 We also consider that requests for assistance should come through the Deputy Director Operations as arranged and not be dealt with in a haphazard way between unit commanders who are presumably not in the full operational picture . ’
25 But some farmers , with over-grown footpaths on their land , are concerned that the entire responsibility for clearance will fall to them .
26 Service charges for industry , such as telephone will increase at a greater rate than the private consumer .
27 Mr Reynolds stated that getting the talks underway again was now a priority and the search for peace should proceed without fear or the threat of violence from any side .
28 Although a statement need only indicate whether or not the value exceeds £25,000 , an applicant for transfer may wish to be more specific and bolster an application for transfer by a statement showing that the case also falls within the upper regions of county court jurisdiction .
29 If no signal is being received , an OFF flag will appear on the Indicator and the left/right pointer will be centred .
30 This judgment , which demonstrates the ‘ chilling effect ’ which the ability to sue for libel may have on the right to criticise a public authority , was cited with approval by Brennan J. delivering the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan ( 1964 ) 376 U.S. 254 , 277 .
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