Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Tables listing 60 endowment companies published in the periodical Planned Savings show that the top performers for endowment policies paying out at the end of 1990 could do anything up to twice as well as companies at the bottom of the table .
2 Those who regarded his attendance as vital were probably taken in too much by the spirit of Birkenhead 's subsequent jibe about cabin boys taking over captains ' jobs .
3 Be aware that bankside vegetation is being used for nesting by moorhens , swans and coots and that sandy banks will be the home for sand martins arriving back from Africa .
4 Dr Higgs , now a consultant at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead , said she was heartened by the number of support groups springing up to help victims of child abuse .
5 THE catalogue of horror stories coming out of the banks ' treatment of their customers seems to have no effect on the high-handed , arrogant way they behave .
6 ‘ And it is not going to be won ’ , says Mr Carlson , ‘ by a bunch of biplane pilots flying round by the seat of their pants . ’
7 He said that the official in charge of antiquities at the Nasiriya Museum had received from the Americans a ‘ very small number ’ of terracotta objects dating back to the dawn of mankind and the Babylonian period , some of which had only recently been broken .
8 Their leaflet featured a photograph of powder tracks flowing down the mountainside — just the sort of thing good skiers all dream of being able to do effortlessly .
9 There is a new wave of guitar bands springing up over there , it 's really exciting , just like British punk and , you know , The Smiths are the only British band which fans of this movement will accept . ’
10 Much of its stealth comes from a design that minimises the chance of radar waves bouncing back the way they came .
11 He says he experienced a tremendous thrill when he heard the tinkle of money and saw a glittering stream of silver coins clattering down the chute .
12 Even if your usual practice is to use handwritten notes there will be times when typed notes are preferable such as a difficult telephone conversation that you want on the record or a list of action points arising out of the meeting .
13 The British Crime Surveys ( BCS ) were set up at least partly because of official scepticism over police statistics , and in an attempt to counteract the portrayal in parts of the media of crime rates soaring out of control .
14 There were regular news reports of Hooligan gangs smashing up coffee-stalls and public houses , robbing and assaulting old ladies , attacking foreigners and setting upon policeman in the streets .
15 The top-end of the market , where the likes of Intel Scientific Computer and Parsytec live , is already well populated with compiler technology , but Portland reckons there is a great deal of ground to be gained amongst the host of niche players banging out i860 boards for graphics and CPU acceleration .
16 It is said that this was one principal factor behind the setting up of a number of Court of Session rules setting out expedited procedures back in 1988 .
17 It appears to us all that there has been a significant drop in the numbers of telephone enquiries coming in to the Library since the new system went in .
18 At 2.00 p.m. as the doors opened before the flood of Medau girls surging through , the 1979 reunion was once again set in motion ; one thousand tickets sold and every one being used .
19 Towards the end of July Sugar was dismantled and on August 3 , 1944 it left Waddington to be refurbished by Avros , a long overdue move , as by now the veteran Lancaster was really showing its age , with an increasing number of wing rivets popping out .
20 Nothing was heard apart from the sound of lead boots walking up and down or the revving of a motorbike .
21 13 other travellers were dealt with by the court for a variety of motoring offences arising out of the Castlemorton event .
22 Is it for the clients , as in our example of community nurses speeding round to give this essential drug , or for the staff , to get the work done ?
23 In anticipation of business users running up large bills , the airtime suppliers give retailers bonuses from £200 to £350 per phone sold , but private buyers wo n't generate enough revenue for it to be economic .
24 Crowds waited outside the venue to catch a glimpse of pop stars turning up for the awards ceremony , being televised on ITV by Carlton tonight .
25 These rings could be the result of surface waves spreading out from the impact through the solid surface , or the result of a succession of wall slumps in a once deeper basin .
26 A feller Thom — at Langham Street Gate , there used to be a tremendous number of Ellerman boats coming in — oranges and so on — tremendous amount thrown away because they were bad .
27 I 'd been talking to someone about the effects of music , cos there 's a couple of court cases going on .
28 They drove back down to Florence , the Captain silent and thoughtful , the Substitute smoking , making the occasional rapid remark , watching the passing of the wet , ploughed soil between rows of vines and the tops of umbrella pines appearing out of the misty valley far below , smoking …
29 Over his shoulder I 'd seen a pair of beat coppers walking by .
30 She had reached the pier now , and , still fighting against the wind , made for the flight of iron steps leading down to the beach .
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