Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] may [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is an immense difference between the political systems of fascism and of liberal democracy , either of which may exist in a capitalist society ; and no one can doubt that the history of the world would have been very different if the fascist powers had been victorious in the Second World War .
2 Modules at this stage have minimal pre entry recommendations and offer opportunities to develop a wide range of skills , some of which may lead to vocational competence .
3 But besides unintentional incorrect reporting in newspapers there is also the problem of bias , much of which may emanate from the political stance taken by a newspaper in an uncensored society .
4 All of which may appear to be fairly straightforward , but to connect four musicians in such a short time with a combined objective and musical compatibility is no mean feat .
5 In the UK , in addition to unemployment benefits , an individual out of work may be eligible to receive other state benefits such as for dependent children ( child benefit , free school milk and meals , etc. ) , some of which may continue after re-employment .
6 This was broadly speaking the approach adopted in Chapter 2 , and it led to a model which located each discipline somewhere in a three-dimensional space , defined by its object , stance and mode , all of which may vary over time .
7 These episodes can be due to both apnoeic and non-apnoeic mechanisms , and some of the apparent benefits of additional inspired oxygen may arise through relaxation of bronchiolar or pulmonary arteriolar muscle tone , both of which may increase in response to airway hypoxia .
8 Studies of pronuclear division in fertilized eggs are useful for assessing the primary level of chromosome abnormalities , some of which may act as zygotic lethals or become disguised in subsequent cleavages .
9 However , it may also involve the firm indicating having given advice to its client in public documents the content and form of which may need to be agreed with the Stock Exchange .
10 There are plenty of theories , and plenty of assumptions , many of which may have at least a part of the truth .
11 Astaxanthin ( 3:3 — dihydroxy — 4:4 -diketo — B -carotene ) and B-carotene both occur as chromoproteins in the integument of locusts and the green chromoprotein pigment of many insects ( known as insectoverdin ) is a complex , the yellow-orange component of which may have as its prosthetic group B-carotene ( Carausius ) , lutein ( Sphinx , Tettigonia ) or astaxanthin .
12 In Europe police organisation is hierarchical , centralised and supervised by the government , all of which may account for the tendency to rely on police investigations while , at the same time , declining to constrain them by the kind of normative rules we find in Anglo-American law .
13 With a 10 year operational life , the new reprocessing plant is only intended to handle 6000 tonnes of spent fuel — two thirds of which may come from overseas .
14 When acting as a lead adviser in respect of an acquisition of a private company or business by a listed company there is the normal requirement for due diligence , the coordination of which may fall within the deal management role .
15 Nonetheless , the purpose of the Family Fellowships is to help family members with their own feelings and recovery , regardless of whatever may happen to the primary sufferer .
16 In Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Diplock LJ said " It is natural … to tend to look at what in fact happened under the agreement ; but the question of the validity of a covenant in restraint of trade has to be determined at the date at which the agreement was entered into and has to be determined in the light of what may happen under the agreement , although what may happen may be and always is different in some respects from what did happen .
17 But , even then , it may fail and it should again be emphasised that family members benefit from their own sake from involvement in the Family Fellowships regardless of what may happen to the primary sufferer .
18 As for the first , it should be remembered that for an Epicurean the worst pain is the groundless fear of what may happen after death , and that excessive unnatural desires are painful too .
19 It is very worrying in terms of what may happen in the northern hemisphere " .
20 Many people grow up frightened of what may come after this life because their minds have been filled since childhood with ideas of hell and damnation , judgment and punishment .
21 Finally , we realise that we are only at the beginning of what may prove to be one of the most significant developments of the twentieth century .
22 Not just at the beginning but throughout what may prove to be a long and difficult journey of recovery .
23 Any individual is entitled to follow any faith he chooses — or even none at all — but this should be done sincerely and not simply as some sort of ‘ insurance policy ’ against whatever may arise in the future .
24 Thus , beneath what may seem to be pure escapist entertainment , there lies a deep psychological truth .
25 This scroll is a true record of your surname origins , even people with what may appear to be common names will find the research informative and interesting , and a talking point within family and friends .
26 Can they deal with what may appear to be sexual threats , and the reality of mixed marriage ?
27 Making forecasts in this and other areas is the actuary 's stock-in-trade for the profession is essentially concerned with what may happen in the future rather than balancing the books of the past .
28 Nevertheless , Mitchell points out that it is of the nature of commitment to come to terms with what may count against one 's own beliefs as well as what may count for them .
29 RECEIVERS were yesterday appointed to the brewing businesses of the Australian yachting tycoon , Mr Alan Bond , in what may prove to be the first step towards the world 's largest corporate collapse .
30 In what may prove to be the dying days of the Major government , the controversial merger between the 32 Tory Euro-MPs and the European People 's Party fulfils a key prime ministerial objective in placing Britain ‘ at the heart of Europe ’ .
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