Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] would [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The £54million package now authorised included the cost of forty six four-car dual-voltage electric units , the introduction of which would enable a greater number of existing units to be withdrawn because of more efficient use .
2 Breach of the partnership agreement It is usual to specify certain provisions of particular importance ( eg failing to maintain proper accounts or actions which might cause the firm to lose its investment business certificate ) the breach of which would enable the power of expulsion to be exercised and , in a further ground , to refer in more general terms to persistent and general failure to observe the spirit of the agreement .
3 You reckon Hatton would also have told him the river bed was full of stones one of which would make a suitable weapon for knocking off his informant ? ’
4 The Churchill Bill in 1986 included a list of proscribed depictions any one of which would attract a conviction for obscenity irrespective of context or effect on the viewer .
5 Before this time , as Froissart was to note and Edward III to experience , many towns had no proper defences other than what could be provided by ditches and water works , neither of which would cause a determined army much trouble .
6 In the case of the PhD , a supervised course lasting three years in the case of full-time students , the portfolio should normally include one major work , the performance of which would occupy an entire evening : for example , an opera .
7 There may be a booklet on the subject , a special expert in the technical department who has sat on the relevant government fact-finding commission or a market research survey giving the latest market trends , any of which would help the journalists far more than the standard handouts .
8 May 11 In a statement issued in Luxembourg , the six GCC countries offer to send an observer to a regional peace conference , thereby partly satisfying Israeli demands that all Arab states play a role in the peace process ( the observer status was devised to differentiate the Gulf states from the " front-line " Arab states bordering Israel , each of which would receive a full seat ) .
9 The over-simple assumptions widespread in the early 1980s that controlling the supply of money would in some way affect inflation ( the removal of which would introduce a period of substantial growth ) must be considered as being unsound .
10 cuts in defence expenditure , both of which are irresponsible and both of which would have a devastating effect on our capacity to defend ourselves .
11 The revised draft committed its participants to a ‘ sovereign federal democratic state ’ based upon a voluntary union of republics with equal rights , each of which would have the right to choose its own forms of property and government .
12 This breaking-down of the time barrier could be extremely exciting ; at the same time , the very idea introduces so many paradoxes ( if you communicate with the past you change it ; you therefore change the present ; therefore , in this new present , you never communicated with the past ) that we must think it unlikely that people will ever be able to use tachyons in this way … unless communications were flitting between alternate universes , the existence of which would imply the simultaneous reality of all possibilities .
13 will not attempt to register or use for its own benefit , or aid any third party in attempting to register or use , the Trade Marks or any trade mark the use of which would constitute an infringement of 's Trade Marks .
14 It was feared that an emphasis on individual tribal culture might increase or encourage separatism : was it possible to find common ground out of which would emerge a truly indigenous Tanzanian culture ?
15 The rotation system would enable a positive , free and unhindered development of the role so that others may share in and contribute towards what would become a valuable resource for the use and benefit of all concerned .
16 Different people kept chipping in with their ideas of what would fire the national imagination sufficiently to get the people to the polling booths .
17 Only the historic fact that he gave the Irish capital the first public performance of what would become the most popular of all oratorios .
18 George probably suspected that something would come along which would end the dream .
19 He had made the point : he was going to strengthen the musical possibilities of his opera by creating a sound picture of paradise from which would bleed the eventualities of the real and actual world .
20 Both authorities emphasised the importance of the health helpline to start from April 1 on which would offer the chance of feedback from patients with grievances .
21 Strangely , few barns had been converted into craft or light industry centres , the rent on which would provide a permanent income for the farmer .
22 In July 1836 , Whitman and his new wife Narcissa , accompanied by the stern , short-tempered Reverend Henry Spalding and his ailing spouse , Eliza , hauled a wagon over what would become the Oregon Trail , to Fort Vancouver .
23 In the meantime the only guidance as to what would constitute an acceptable limit on Article 8(1) rights is the rather equivocal decision in the Klass case which concerned the operation of surveillance procedures in the German Federal Republic where legislation authorized telephone-tapping and other surveillance techniques if a number of conditions were satisfied .
24 Further memories were revived by a visit from his mother in the summer of 1921 which brought ‘ another anxiety as well as a joy ’ when Eliot was working on what would become The Waste Land .
25 By the time when he began to work most intensively on what would become The Waste Land , Eliot was neither god nor martyr .
26 Certainly , I have known some undergraduates who would rise brilliantly to such a challenge ; but they are an exception , and one can not base a course on what would suit the exceptional student , much as one would like to .
27 Latin and Anglo-Saxon temperaments are at variance about what would constitute an acceptable noise level ; and young people do not seem to be so intolerant of noise as their elders .
28 In 1946 a Committee at Stoke began planning a curriculum for what would become the University of Keele .
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