Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] would [vb infin] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , on Earth , we have reached the stage in our narrative where simple unicellular creatures have become multicellular creatures , the earliest known of which would have been the jellyfish .
2 Spears and axes have utilitarian forms , the manufacture of which would have been within the abilities of anyone with basic smithing experience ; both have sockets for handles/shafts which would have been created by beating the iron around a former .
3 This would have probably entailed working involuntary overtime , possibly long , awkward hours and , almost certainly , making a physical input , one consequence of which would have been a limit on the amount of time spent with the children and energy contributed to their amusement .
4 They wanted the stimulus package , much of which would have been spent in inner cities .
5 It was significant that the Official Secrets Act — the use of which would have been fatal to the publication — was not resorted to by the government .
6 All of which would have been bad enough without Charlotte 's final revelation .
7 Other field crops included peas and beans before the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries and , later on , numerous new introductions , some of which would have been grown earlier as garden produce but which were grown on a larger scale from the seventeenth and particularly eighteenth centuries .
8 The villa at Box , Wilts. , had pavements of white limestone ( used for much of the background work ) , blue-black lias , a dark-grey/ chocolate-coloured pennant stone , red from broken tiles and yellow oolite ; all of which would have been procurable within about five miles of the site .
9 The remainder of the treatment would have cost a further £23,000 , most of which would have been recouped in return for appearing in advertising promotions .
10 The benefit currently paid is below what would have been the level of state sickness benefit .
11 While smaller ticket ( or lease deal value ) items suffered , some major big ticket deals helped ease the blow of what would have been an even more difficult year .
12 Campese 's decision robbed 60,000 in the stadium , and countless millions around the world , of what would have been one of the most intense and fascinating finales to the World Cup , with England only three points behind , their heads up and winning score in sight .
13 The case would be more useful as a guide to sentencers in similar cases if the extent of the discount were more precisely stated and a clear indication given of the court 's view of what would have been the correct sentence at first instance .
14 The dinosaurs were the highest form of reptile , but in Owen 's time they were the earliest known members of the class — exactly the reverse of what would have been predicted by a theory of continuous development .
15 The indefinite postponement , of what would have been the country 's first direct election of mayors and provincial governors since 1961 , had led to opposition charges of dictatorship against the DLP .
16 According to the charge , they sold almost two million shares on behalf of clients at prices which realised £1,378,892 in excess of what would have been obtained had the shares been sold after the issuing of the profits warning .
17 They are said to have sold almost two million shares on behalf of clients at prices which realised £1,378,892 in excess of what would have been obtained had the shares been sold after the warning .
18 The vehicle was composed of three compartments , in which the rear one was constructed so that the passenger , lying down to sleep , extended her feet beneath what would have been the ‘ boot ’ of a road coach .
19 But the Gospels themselves confirm that Jesus and his entourage , in keeping with what would have been expected of the Messiah , were militant nationalists who did not shrink from violence .
20 For example , a return on capital constraint could be met by raising prices above what would have been chosen , as well as by distorting the combinations in which factors are used .
21 The morning after the ark is put in Dagon 's temple , they discover the figure of their great god sprawled on the floor , his face to the ground , in what would have been readily seen as an attitude of worship .
22 His clerks worked next door in what would have been the library , and his family used the upper floors for their own apartments .
23 The World Cup triple jump bronze medallist has decided to run in the 100 metres at the Cleveland County Stadium on Saturday instead of going through the motions in what would have been a practice trial in his specialist event .
24 With regard to Pentos , the Portfolio was uninvested at the start of the period and stayed that way throughout , thereby preserving itself from what would have been a painful experience .
25 My naïveté , my lack of experience , may have protected me from what would have been obvious to anyone else .
26 Horrified security staff rushed to Boris 's aid and saved him from what would have been a hairy trip home .
27 Methodically , meticulously , he studied every aspect of Kylie 's talent and music before committing himself to what would have been one of the most ambitious projects even he had attempted .
28 Craft-level courses are equivalent to what would have been apprenticeship level .
29 Thus the plaintiff would be obliged to show that he either bought/sold shares at an inflated/deflated price compared to what would have been the price , but for the defendant 's actions .
30 At seventeen he joined a travelling band of gypsies who taught him the finer skills of pickpocketing until an accident to his hand six years later put paid to what would have been a very lucrative career .
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