Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] they could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 They know that it would be almost impossible for them , even though it would be for only a week , after which they could return to their comfortable lives .
2 Salvation came from without : the development of some de facto secondary work in the higher ‘ standards ’ or years of Board schools , the improvements in the older grammar schools , the use of various ‘ institutes ’ dedicated to helping working men get more education , the creation of new , civic universities like Owens in Manchester , and the expansion of London University , gave men who wanted a basic education beyond primary school new opportunities , after which they could go on to a denominational college which was now more able to concentrate on theology .
3 There was silence during which they could hear singing coming from the street .
4 Nor did he raise one word about the history of his own great movement , about the fact that the working people of this country were urged to organise and to use their vote , through which they could change the policies under which they lived .
5 Within Christianity , people have sought out symbols through which they could formulate their faith , such as the doctrine of the trinity .
6 Passing lamp-lit windows through which they could see sleeping Japanese soldiers and men talking in small groups , they had gone as far as a machine-gun post among the buildings — probably part of the anti-aircraft defences-when a Japanese soldier came up .
7 I began to see that mathematics might offer John and others the opportunities and challenges through which they could begin to succeed .
8 The four leaders , Clyde Wells of Newfoundland and Labrador , Donald Cameron of Nova Scotia , Joe Ghiz of Prince Edward Island and Frank McKenna of New Brunswick , also discussed methods through which they could co-ordinate economic and fiscal strategies in their forthcoming budgets .
9 By introducing a programme for the training of drawing teachers in 1871 , the school opened up a vocation to women : a vocation through which they could attempt to have more secure incomes .
10 These people only understood one thing and that was individualism and by telling people to jog and eat brown bread , they defined health as an individual problem for which they could offer only individual solutions .
11 Er so we are all very keen to see this get these extra fire fighters but as he has n't identified the source for which they could pay more , this believes that fifty thousand pounds which slices , there is a good way of doing it and suggest that that 's the way we should do it .
12 There were ripples of self-satisfied laughter , as if to have such a mad dream was something for which they could congratulate themselves .
13 But Phoenician traders were notorious for their shady dealings around the Mediterranean and if there was a precious commodity for which they could find a ready market , nothing could stop them .
14 If the Government had listened to the police and taken prompt action on any of those warnings — action for which they could have secured all-party support — I have no doubt that some of this summer 's tragedies would have been avoided .
15 There is clearly force in this ‘ equal treatment ’ argument , which was later deployed in defence of the Schlunk decision by the United States delegation at a Special Commission of the Hague Conference held in April 1989 ; but as between the United Sates and the German Federal Republic it is German plaintiffs who emerge at a disadvantage , for German law has no doctrine similar to that of involuntary agency of which they could make use .
16 Broken by seas of which they could drink nothing .
17 Yet Mr Kohl seems more interested in getting votes from right-wingers than in winning them for Turks : the most he has done to change the citizenship law is to wonder aloud whether Germany 's Turks might be granted dual citizenship for a trial five years , at the end of which they could choose to be either Turks or Germans .
18 Accordingly , peasant aspirations remained firmly fixed on the one panacea of which they could conceive : the land of the nobility .
19 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
20 But the passing over of Neil Back leaves the Lions without a commodity of which they could find themselves in dire need .
21 With his vision of what they could achieve , he planned a whole series of assaults on airfields along the coastal strip .
22 I admit it sounds like a lot ; but that 's because everybody thinks of what they could do with it if it ended up in their bank account .
23 The secondary school to which they went on would then have an accurate record of what they could do , and could save a great deal of time at present wasted in the transition from one school to another .
24 It was n't as big a hit , but we 'd shown more about the scope of what they could do . ’
25 It should be made clear that the value of this information for consumers would be chiefly as a yardstick against which they could measure the rates offered to them by lenders of the same type , or for credit of the same type .
26 Their only tools from the outside world were the " parang " , the broad-bladed machete of the East , and a hand-drill resembling an oversized corkscrew , with which they could make all the other tools they required to produce these spectacular Noah 's Arks .
27 Wealthy party members , including newspaper owners and businessmen , saw McCarthy as a weapon with which they could ensure victory in 1952 , and backed the Senator financially .
28 He once told Earl delightedly that he had spotted Abrams at an airport but Abrams ( perceptiveness not his strong suit ) had not spotted him , and that ‘ his tradecraft of observing was better than Elliott 's ’ Secret agents carried gadgets with which they could speak to headquarters from the most unlikely places ; once , at a party , North was said to have produced a scrambler-telephone from his briefcase , together with a half-eaten sandwich , and to have gone out into the garden to dial the house .
29 The whole scene , the bar scene , the prostitution scene , the whole sex scene was enticing , shocking and , at the same time , fascinating but , above all , it was new , and they had no frame of reference with which they could measure it , ’ says Ed Behr .
30 Their strength was in their mobility , and in the contemptuous austerity with which they could discard their meagre establishments and take to the hills with their real possessions , their liberty , their horses and cattle , their tribal loyalty and their weapons .
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