Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [was/were] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 With a nice sense of timing the University allocated two extra rooms to the Collection , adjacent to the existing stackroom , one of which was designated the Old Vic Room .
2 The men then unloaded the corn into the side bays each of which was called the gof — or goafstead .
3 He organised a demonstration on 19 September 1954 , out of which was born the National Liberation Movement ( NLM ) , a name which in the past the LPP had employed .
4 The photographs were arranged behind glass in a small anteroom above the door of which was printed the legend : ‘ The Martyrs of Hama ’ .
5 During its restoration , a storm blew down a huge walnut tree in the roots of which was found the church 's bell , one of the oldest in Hungary .
6 In that year comparisons of Eliot with Pound were stimulated , and exacerbated , by the publication of what were called the ‘ drafts and transcripts ’ of The Waste Land ; that is to say , the heterogeneous packet of typescripts and manuscripts which Eliot had dumped on Pound in Paris , out of which Pound had helped Eliot to extricate the poem that for forty years had been known under that title .
7 It would , by implication , be one of five constituent parts of the Indochinese Federation — which meant that Vietnam itself would be divided into three parts — and they , together with other parts of what were called the ‘ French Community ’ would form a French Union .
8 Each section would grab its particular portion of what was called the " Y " Form , the gunners would be briefed and tactics would be discussed .
9 Bed of what was called the hung bed .
10 A characteristic feature of the response to the major economic depression of the 1930s in most of the ‘ developed ’ countries of the world was the rapid growth of what was termed the ‘ welfare state ’ — which is now under severe attack as a political response to the recession of the 1970s and 1980s .
11 Tom Hanks had come to the fair with two ageing horses from the manor he wanted to sell and he brought Carrie with him , riding in a light cart behind which were tied the two horses .
12 One of the duties occasionally assumed by the guilds was the maintenance of a charnel , a subterranean chamber into which were placed the bones of the dead disturbed when interments took place in the churchyard .
13 As the political assimilative into which were absorbed the opinions , convictions and energies which would otherwise have been available to impel Owenism and so to maximise its chances of attaining its goal , industrial democracy , the struggle to secure the passage of the Reform Bill demands attention .
14 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
15 It comprised a circular curtain-wall of stone enclosing a courtyard within which were placed the domestic apartments and service offices , probably of timber construction .
16 Between these pilasters are still visible the corbels upon which were supported the masts of the velarium which was drawn across the auditorium .
17 His family situation led him to the inescapable conclusion that the world was a hostile , alien environment in which was concealed the terrible presence of death , and in which the hopes , convictions and aspirations of men could be dashed by the unforeseeable and irreversible consequences of a malevolent destiny .
18 Parliament was the arena in which were made the most formal decisions : laws applicable to the whole realm , superior to any other rules or customs .
19 The result of this preponderance of the ideological in the literary debate was that discussion tended to centre exclusively on recurrent programmatic themes — positive heroes , revolutionary romanticism , partisanship , tendentiousness , and so on — in which were sown the seeds of a sterile , bureaucratic and immobile aesthetic theory unable to adapt to changing socio-political conditions , capable only of mouthing the current party line .
20 Moorish Spain was in fact a crucible in which were fused the contributions of diverse cultures …
21 The sea , in which were reflected the lights of the promenade , surged uneasily around the sides of the chair , covering Baker 's black brogues with a film of sand .
22 They called the islands of Great Britain ‘ the Cassiterides ’ — from which was derived the name for tin oxide , cassiterite .
23 While it is certain that it was always possible to approach Napoleon III via a courtier , the real intermediaries between the Emperor and the outside world , in so far as it necessitated his personal intervention , were those employed in what was called the Civil Cabinet .
24 Two years ago , NASA at the last minute reneged on a joint venture with ESA to send two satellites to the Sun in what was called the International Solar/Polar Mission .
25 First , in the communist societies , the assertion of basic civil and political rights was a major element in the programmes of the opposition movements , and such ideas were also widely diffused in the 1970s and 1980s in West European communist parties , in what was called the ‘ Eurocommunist ’ movement ( Ross , 1991 ) .
26 The Emperor had been born and would die in what was called the Galactic Paradise .
27 He did have ( and I know this as I was on his staff at the time ) some sympathy with Coastal Command in view of its flight in the Atlantic , particularly in the Western Approaches and more especially in what was called the " black pit " , this was an area in the Atlantic where the RAF could not give air cover to the convoys either from Ireland .
28 In 1540 he transformed the office of Wards , formed in 1503 , into the Court of Wards , to which was joined the office of Liveries in 1542 .
29 The PFA challenged the retain-and-transfer system in the courts and lost in 1912 , to which was added the indignity of needing financial help from the League to pay the costs of the case .
30 The officer turned away , returning a moment later with a clipboard to which were attached the preliminary , handwritten reports .
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