Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 All of which brought home the final lesson I had to go back to school to learn .
2 Among the immigrant Irish , ‘ wakes ’ were exploited as a means of bringing in contributions , some of which vanished down the throats of relatives and friends in need of consolation .
3 The ford in the river was blown up to make navigation easier and from time to time there appear to have been spectacular rock falls , one of which carried away the last vestiges of St Vincent 's Chapel which gave its name to St Vincent 's Rocks .
4 Stoutstroke dipped and bit and sliced and dug , building a huge triple-deck dam , the main section of which backed up the water in the North Burn for eighty paces ; not far off the record for the position I had chosen .
5 was done in the time of which set up the Republic of Ireland , get the I R A to declare a truce and talk to them and I think
6 No , the difficulty I have with Dennett 's excellent paper , and the reason I have brought it into discussion here , has to do with the fact that he never actually says which parts of the diagram are in consciousness and his view is consistent with consciousness being ( a ) the ‘ control box ’ , ( b ) sometimes one box and sometimes another ( very like the ‘ heterarchical aspect ’ of Minsky 's views , which I earlier called a ‘ pinball machine ’ theory of consciousness ) , or ( c ) some elements of what passed down the communication channels , that is to say , the lines between the boxes .
7 They created an egg from which came forth the sun , who fashioned mankind and gave order to the world .
8 If thought and study had been restricted to whatever held out the visible prospect of material advantage , that explosive corruscation of human achievement which is European civilisation would never have occurred .
9 Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane spheres .
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