Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [adv] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And it makes it easier for the slash-and-burn cultivators to get in rather than sort of coming in gradually round the edges , there are now great swathes cut through tropical rainforest at Amazonia certainly , and the Trans-Scabon railway is about to be put through which again will make it easier for the sort of to come in , and I think that should be bourn in mind .
2 Often odour nuisance is the result of emissions from several sources , none of which alone would amount to a nuisance at common law , but should the aggregate odour amount to a nuisance at law , it is no defence that the nuisance was caused by many .
3 Neal Blewett found just forty-eight " predominantly middle-class " constituencies in 1910 , while Michael Kinnear found seventy-five in 1921 ( and Kinnear 's figure is certainly an understatement , for he could not get figures for divided boroughs outside London , many of which certainly would come into his category , so the real figure may be more like ninety ) .
4 That 's what this programme is about , and in that time I mean I think , I was thinking actually as Terry was speaking , erm you said that it was not clear that you can judge somebody on a hundred days , and I must say I agree with that , and I think at the moment in the last hundred days we 've been at war and it 's impossible to judge a new Prime Minister , who 's come into office in the right at the beginning of what potentially could have been a very nasty war .
5 So , being a nosey bugger , which I am , I went into David 's room and looked around for some evidence of what actually might have happened that weekend because I was completely stunned .
6 But then what he then went on to say was , that since only the wife would be able to spend from that account , then put the money after it had been dealt with for the wife 's tax purposes , into a joint account , on which both could draw .
7 The trainer 's task is to explore more deeply , by facilitating an exchange of views over what else might happen and what passes through the minds of the adviser and client as a result of particular approaches .
8 Thus the fact , if it is a fact , that the cat is on the mat , in an ontological sense , and contrary to what ordinarily might appear , is just as essential to the identity of the cat as any other of the cat 's properties .
9 In the same way , information about how the National Curriculum Council ( NCC ) came down in favour of more information and factual knowledge in the history curriculum after months of comment and criticism led to a holding of breath as to what precisely would emerge in the shape of revised requirements .
10 " By differential reinforcement of responses an individual can be led to make finer and finer distinctions among what originally may have appeared to be very similar stimuli . "
11 This revolutionary conclusion , which is perhaps the most important for the general reader of The Origin , is one easily supported by modern anthropologists although they might disagree with him about what exactly will happen when the change comes or even whether this kind of change can be predicted .
12 The result of all this is that because of the divergence of Belfast English from other varieties and the internal divergence within it , we do not know beforehand what is the correct lexical input to any phonological variable , we do not necessarily know what the variants of the variable are , and we may not be at all certain about what precisely might count as a variable .
13 It contains a rolling review precisely so that it should remain a valid basis for whatever tomorrow may bring .
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