Example sentences of "[prep] [be] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But for all the changes , the prime emphasis in the retail market , so far as movies are concerned , still seems to be on the past , and predominantly on the mainstream Hollywood past .
2 With the economy predicted to be on the upturn it is perhaps the right time for Allied to invest in the Firkin chain and cash in early on the next consumer boom .
3 I was clearly going to be on the phone for a long time .
4 I do n't want to be on the phone when he arrives — it 'll make him wary . ’
5 I think , then what on earth does he want to be on the phone for that length of time for .
6 The Teesside band are delighted to be on the Mark Goodier show on Wednesday night at the Middlesbrough Arena .
7 Britain in the early 1990s appears to be on the precipice of the worst recession since the 1930s .
8 All the legends are clearly printed on the keytops in the same colours as the original , the only missing one is Break which ought to be on the Space bar but is n't .
9 The subject is expected to be on the agenda when the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board , Alan Greenspan , becomes the first US central bank chief to visit Moscow this weekend .
10 MacDonald 's rhetoric did not solve the problem identified by the League 's advocates — peace through democracy required a scale of popular revolt that did not appear to be on the agenda in the winter of 1916 .
11 At last a genuinely transnational agitation for a people 's peace appeared to be on the agenda .
12 The so-called ‘ fifth modernisation ’ , democratisation , appeared to be on the agenda , but groups of student activists soon discovered that this was fraught with difficulty and contradiction .
13 It needs to be on the agenda , both formal and informal , of most if not all staffrooms .
14 You know , industrial relations or whatever is going to be on the agenda .
15 A shot at next month 's Carling Black Label Stakes at Cleveland Park next month , now looks to be on the agenda .
16 Job losses from some of the largest employers , ICI and factories , are also likely to be on the agenda when Mr Devlin defends his 744 majority against Labour 's Mr John Scott and Liberal Democrat Mrs Kay Kirkham .
17 I was lucky , because instead of being on house assessment I was called and told I was going to be on the works party next day , only my second day at Styal .
18 ‘ We want to be on the cover of Smash Hits … and we deserve it , ’ announces bass-player Ian , resplendent in his rubber trousers bought from a Soho sex shop .
19 ‘ I think it 's a triumph for women for somebody like me to be on the cover of Playboy , because I do n't fall into the clichéd , subservient bimbo mode .
20 I think it 's a triumph for women for somebody like me to be on the cover of Playboy , because I do n't fall into the clichéd , subservient bimbo mode .
21 Why do all the hooligans seem to be on the row in front and the row behind me ?
22 Another march is being held in Bonn next Monday , three days before the summit , when 50,000 Germans are expected to be on the streets .
23 The Army had fought enough battles about their right to be on the streets at the end of the last century when Salvationists had been imprisoned , ridiculed , despised and attacked by hooligans .
24 Her eyes seemed to be on the ceiling , watching them .
25 However , messages had already been sent to Kinghorn instructing the purveyor to be on the beach with horses ready for the King , hours before the Council convened .
26 Players say that saturation television coverage , crazy kick-off times — 2130 on weekday nights or mid-afternoon on blazing hot Sundays when people prefer to be on the beach — and the fear of hooliganism combine to make soccer an unappetising prospect for all but the most fanatical supporters .
27 I think he was celebrating the coming of steam power , and showing the people of his time how much safer they were going to be on the seas , do n't you ? ’
28 For the Anointing of God to be on the Missionary , Acts 1 : 8 .
29 ‘ I 'm to be on the committee of the Society for the Relief of Distressed Widows , ’ she told him one day .
30 The Vietnam War really appeared to be near its end , and the economy , shaken by the rise in world oil prices and the inflation produced by the war , seemed to be on the mend .
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