Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Numbers 11 certainly the people do not appear to be faced with starvation .
2 And consumer problems and consumer decisions are certainly not going to go away in retirement because we 're all , including myself who retired at the March , are still going to be faced with consumer decisions .
3 Suppose he were to marry only to be faced with mutton broth ?
4 Another instance of incomplete contextual determination is to be observed with dog .
5 As the kites are designed to be flown with verve and pulled through sharp manoeuvres , they buzz like a horde of hornets .
6 The authors warn that the data need to be treated with caution because it was not clear how many of the farms surveyed had substantial numbers of permanent workers for whom schools or adult education should be provided .
7 It had not been easy without existing contacts in the region , and their reports would have to be treated with caution for a while , but on the whole he felt he had achieved as much as could have been expected .
8 These figures do not take into account irregular employment , and so those for unskilled labour in particular have to be treated with caution .
9 Not to be trusted or even understood but to be treated with caution and sometimes indulged .
10 The present view that a breastfed baby can not be overfed also has to be treated with caution .
11 As usual the term printer " is to be treated with caution , but other evidence , wages for instance , usually indicates that " compositor " is meant .
12 These statistics and other measures of unemployment , all of which are socially constructed and based on certain assumptions , need to be treated with caution .
13 Although such summary measures need to be treated with caution ( see Lecture 11 ) , and the coefficient of variation has particular shortcomings ( it is especially sensitive to changes in high incomes ) , we can use it for purposes of illustration .
14 All the above suggest that income redistribution studies have to be treated with caution and any critical assumptions revealed by sensitivity analysis should be made clear .
15 Today , commercially made wooden windows need to be treated with preservative .
16 In the next scene Macbeth , speaking alone and with no need to deceive anyone ( given the convention in Elizabethan drama that what characters say in soliloquy is true ) , admits the evil of their ‘ deep intent ’ : Duncan is ‘ clear ’ , really has that freedom from guilt or stain that his wife had urged Macbeth to assume : in a sense he tries to do so here , in his defence of Duncan 's right to be treated with love and respect , and in his invocation of ‘ pity ’ , that constant test of humanity in Shakespeare .
17 But he felt , in a way that must seem absurd when the conflict in the Falklands is dramatised repeatedly before it is even over , when the widow of an assassinated president is recreated in large in her lifetime on the epic screen , that these events were too close to be seen clearly , too large and foul and complex to be treated with decorum .
18 More importantly , do n't they think their customers deserve to be treated with courtesy and respect ? .
19 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she apologised a little stiffly , ‘ but really I do n't expect to be treated with kid gloves .
20 They say that the water may have to be treated with chlorine , blasted with ultra-violet light , pasteurised and given other treatments before it can be re-used .
21 The notion that curricular breadth and balance was in any case the government 's chief policy goal deserves to be treated with scepticism .
22 They learnt that Les Irelandaises were women to be treated with care .
23 Any break in skin continuity is a possible site for the entry of micro-organism and needs to be treated with care to avoid infection .
24 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is the most important , but needs to be treated with care .
25 But when I wrote to him it did n't work out ; he was much too polite and too adoring I do n't want to be adored , I want to be used and abused , I want to be treated with contempt .
26 Placing quality and independence in combination in such questioning , he reflected the problems and pressed for them to be treated with urgency to achieve a ‘ collective resolution ’ .
27 To have ideas like this one taken seriously and to be treated with respect is surely a reasonable request .
28 Needs human capacity and to be treated with respect .
29 I have worked loyally , shown you respect , but I too expect to be treated with respect .
30 The biblical tradition , while taking sin and the Fall seriously , does not consider the universe and the world as things to be exploited , but rather to be treated with respect .
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