Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] you could " in BNC.

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1 In the past if you wanted to get spiders out of your bath you could either patiently try to tempt them … or take action that was a little more drastic .
2 For example , if somebody in the distant kitchen drops a tray with a clatter in the middle of your speech you could say , ‘ Applause at the end please ! ’
3 Do you have any more of your cake you could give him ? ’
4 ‘ Everyone knew in the business at the time , ’ she continued remorselessly , ‘ but you had such a problem with your ego you could n't or would n't accept it !
5 I could n't , I do n't think he could get the other he got that one because of , i in my health you could n't they could n't say how long
6 It was the sort of spot Martha would have wanted to be buried , because from her grave you could look out to sea towards the Gribbin , close to where Sam had been drowned .
7 I 'm sorry , I just wanted to make a couple of points in response to erm things that people have said in relation to my opening statement , erm Mr Brook er mentioned the fact that er none of the employe none of the new settlement proposals of which he was aware , erm included an employment element , erm I just wanted to place on record the fact that our suggested reworking of policy H two does provide for an explicit land er amount of land for employment purposes , erm as part of the new settlement location , I wanted to say that because I , I 'm not invited to appear on your employment day , and I do feel that this is an important component of the the H two strategy , and clearly that employment component will be drawn from the Greater York allocation , the second point , Mr Sexton erm I believe said that in his view you could not find a site for a larger new settlement er within the or outside the Greater York er greenbelt , erm which would not result in physical coalescence with the existing villages in the area , now I 'm not sure whether he was referring to any particular size of larger new settlement , but I invite you to look at the er land range at one to fifty thousand er map of the area , and you will see that the area outside the greenbelt is characterized by erm a very rural area with sporadic villages , and my believe is that there are erm sites available within that area which could accommodate a larger new settlement , the planning point is of course the larger the new settlement becomes , I think the less that that the reduced number of sites you will have available to accommodate erm that proposal , because of its scale , and the third aspect I want to comment on Mr Cunnane and Mr Thomas erm said that Barton Willmore had not made a need argument for the new settlement , well if I 'm not mistaken that 's what we spent most of this morning discussing under policy H one , and I do n't erm I do n't wish , and I do n't suppose that I 'd be invited to repeat the comments made by Mr Grigson this morning , I do n't think there 's any need for that , but that establishes in our mind very clearly there is a need for a new settlement in the range of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , erm in the period up to two thousand and six , and I wo n't say anything more on that .
8 Well I had learnt shorthand and typing at school but erm the money was necessary at home you see , and er with my sister working there , at H and T Hornes , er she spoke for me and er I had an interview and and they put me up in the nursery , we used to call it the nursery see because we were all fourteens up there and er then they called it the cylinder shop and er my foreman was a fella name Archie and erm everything was very very strict indeed , we could not move away from our board you could n't speak to the next one that was working by you , and er there was a fella named Mr and he was he , I did n't work for him I worked for Mr , but some you cou you were afraid to move because of this man and he he he 'd stare at you and he 'd look at you and anyway erm they put me assembling and it was very interesting indeed , there was a tall stand on , we called it the bench , a tall stand with a screw on the top and then to as begin to assemble the locks you had to take what we would call the body , screw it into the er little on the stand and then we had tweezers , there were , in the body there were five springs and then you had to have five breast pins and when you got the springs in you .. we have to have a plug at the back so as we could put each pin and push the plug over that a dummy plug we called it and so that was five pins were in and then there was a ball er when that , when we came to put it in our vice , we had to put the V I C E not V O voice .
9 In your case you could n't have had a better officer , in my view , to handle that situation .
10 ‘ So if you were in your van you could n't have been two hundred yards away on the scaffolding behind Benson 's furniture shop ? ’
11 that 's pretty , yeah grilled that 's really gruesome is n't it but you could , I mean really that 's the sort of ghastly thing people do is n't it in headlines which you could use it as you 've used the actual word Bacon 's in your headline you could play on words keep using that idea .
12 So from your table you could find out
13 I think he 's got a good idea here but if he takes that slant to his story you could do rather well .
14 Cos that you see if you , if you , if you could link up life assurance to your pension you could get tax relief on your life assurance you see ?
15 But if you had an imminent on your side you could have had the ache of the wind and rain crying down from the clouds . ’
16 At his funeral you could see where his head had been stitched back onto his body .
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