Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] a [noun sg] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , he had clearly purported to pose the question of whether a caution was required , but had not answered it .
2 The question of whether a decision was ‘ legal or not ’ is sometimes put in terms of whether it was made ‘ within or without jurisdiction ’ or whether it is ‘ intra vires or ultra vires ’ ( that is , literally , ‘ within or beyond power ’ ) .
3 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
4 If that is wrong , let them tell us why , rather than differentiate between dead bodies on the basis of whether a diagnosis was made before or after death , or whether the patient stops breathing in the accident and emergency department rather than a medical ward .
5 place , on the other hand , is a determination of space as a coincidence of event and geography that is itself productive of meaning : as if a film were made only to be seen in one place , not another .
6 His very own face frowned back at him doubtfully as if a homunculus was imprisoned in the card , a mute model of himself .
7 ‘ I love Harvey , ’ and little noises came out of the sphere of hair as if a canary was eating a hearty meal of seeds .
8 as if her skin were too tight for her , as if a tornado were spinning inside her , whirling her into a silent frenzy .
9 John felt , not understanding ‘ as if a virgin were taking off her knickers in front of him .
10 One may compare such a public certification of the title with the stamp on a coin , which attests the genuineness of the metal , whereas the system of private investigation of title is as if a man was obliged to employ an expert analyst to test the genuineness of the coins which might be tendered to him .
11 If th'guts 'd been griping and grinding like as if a corkscrew were twisting there , thee 'ud have done the same .
12 It was as if a balloon was being blown up inside her head , and the space in the balloon needed to be filled with knowledge .
13 Thus the early discomfort is described by one author as ‘ a sensation of tingling or pricking which comes and goes suddenly , as if a fly were settling down ’ .
14 ‘ What 's this , Sep ? ’ said Tom Tedder , coming in from his last class , and acting rather as if a load was now off his mind , or as if he was trying to conceal one .
15 All armchairs were filled , mainly with men , most of them sipping champagne , as if a flight were something to be celebrated , like a wedding .
16 Steam rose here and there , not in puffy , damp , friendly clouds as if a kettle was boiling , but in hissing , angry spurts , as if some unseen being was venting its spleen .
17 Now that there is one , it 's a little late to get hysterical — better to accept the consolation that the animal has integrated itself into the landscape , almost as if a place was waiting for it .
18 There was an ache in my middle as if a rock was lodged in the place where all my habits had been — my going-to-bed routine of always brushing my teeth last thing of all so that my mouth felt glowing fresh before I curled up under my duvet and drifted off into sleep .
19 as if a puzzle were suddenly solved .
20 The tree was in silhouette , but there seemed to be flames in one of its branches ; flames that licked high , then guttered and were gone , only to flare again … as if a fire was coming and going … as if the fire was not of this time , but spent brief minutes in the tree , then flared in another world , before revisiting the winter branches .
21 as if a finger were put on the naked soul !
22 You can just imagine what it would be like if a child was actually wearing this at the time of ignition .
23 Since confidence ratings were obtained in addition to Yes/No responses it is possible to plot ROC curves for either subjects or stimuli and hence calculate separate measures of recognition sensitivity ( i.e. the ability of subjects to discriminate targets from distractors ) and response criterion bias ( i.e. the tendency to give particular types of response independently of any knowledge a subject has as to whether a film was a target or distractor ) .
24 One can not , in other words , argue from the premise that people may disagree as to whether a person was in fact placed in fear for their bodily safety , to the conclusion that a decision-maker can have untrammelled power to decide whether such an apprehension is indeed a constituent part of the offence at all .
25 In at least one area this varied according to whether a person was seen by elderly services or others , because staffing profiles were much more biased towards medical care for elderly people with mental illness , with the result that other professions , such as social work , occupational therapy , and community psychiatric nursing , were less frequently called upon .
26 A test was laid down in 1987 as to whether a vehicle was intended or adapted for use on roads .
27 Well I do n't like it very much but it has this very interesting discussion as to whether a fax was cheaper or more expensive than the telephone
28 Your meeting also highlighted a 10p differential in fares between Kirknewton and Edinburgh , depending on whether a journey was made during the morning or evening peak .
29 However , Theo Waigel , the German Finance Minister , stressed that the criteria should not be applied mechanically , and that there should be " scope for political judgment " on whether a country was fit for full EMU .
30 Some of these were enshrined in local guidelines , such as whether a person was deemed ‘ vulnerable ’ , or if they lived alone or had repeated admissions to hospital .
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