Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The last great campaign to revise social style — the so-called anti-spiritual pollution drive six years ago - petered out after only a few months when even the party leadership acknowledged it had more important things to worry about than enforcing short hair and dreary clothes .
2 However , others find that coffee aggravates their Cystitis , so you are really the best judge of whether to use this measure or not .
3 Whilst this decision has been criticised as a " narrow " interpretation of the law ( ibid ) , our examination of the nature of casual working and the characteristics of the casual labour force in the hotels and catering sector raises the question of whether according casual workers employee status , and thus bringing them within the coverage of employment protection legislation , would be of any great relevance .
4 While civil servants and directors wade through the legal quagmire of whether to record unmet needs , many staff who have to implement the policy are already up to their necks in it .
5 This brings us to the problem of whether to leave serial harmony as it is , the product of a system , or to override the system and make the harmonic result our own .
6 There was some fretting over the question of whether trading one parent for another rather than going public would put Unix right back where it was when the Open Software Foundation was formed .
7 A pain conceived of as being in another body is not yet conceived of as hurting another person .
8 This maintenance of a working class Tory vote sufficient to return the party to office can be thought of as having two components : first the reproduction of relatively stable social collectivities having a principle of identification outside the conception of ‘ class ’ which prompted most ‘ working class ’ people to vote Labour , and second a more conjunctural conversion of voters .
9 for example , can hazards really be thought of as having any intentionality ?
10 In this mode of attribution young people are not spoken of as having tragic love affairs , rather it is said that ‘ they ca n't cope with physical sexual experiences ’ .
11 Now , while as if bestowing some order of merit she fastened the beads round my neck , her face wore a motherly expression and for the first time I was with the Aunt Louise of my childhood .
12 as if to illustrate this point I recently spoke to an angler on the Ribble and judging by the distance he held his hands apart — ’ Like this they were ! ’ — his recent catch of ’ two pounders ’ could easily have been around the 6lb mark !
13 Ruthven suddenly rose as if to suppress some excitement inside him .
14 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
15 as if to support this prediction , some newspapers underlined that American and French students were planning to take part , and noted that certain organisers were not English and therefore ‘ outside the consensus ’ ( ibid.:210–11 ) .
16 As they cycled along side by side , Deirdre put a comradely hand on Jacob 's shoulder , as if to deny any accusation in her words .
17 The boy was sitting there , not an arm 's length from him now , studying the patterns of black and white with a fierce intensity , as if to grasp some meaning from them .
18 Behind them , at the door , Lady Isabella peered on tip-toe over their shoulders , as if watching some masque or mummer 's play .
19 In any event , Acheson had realized that the US bargaining position with the French disappeared ‘ the moment we agree to give them aid ’ and , as if to confirm this predicament , a couple of days after Truman 's cabinet had decided unanimously in favour of recognition , the French were letting it be known that , although their intentions were indeed evolutionary , they could not ‘ afford to kindle unrealistic national appetites ’ .
20 as if to confirm these notions of her importance , an enormous party was held in the villa a few weeks after her arrival .
21 If anything as Ceauşescu 's international position weakened the men in the Kremlin bestowed more medals on him , as if to mark each step in his growing dependence on them .
22 He put out his hand to touch her face ; it felt on fire , hot and dry with fever , as she turned to his hand mouthing , as if to take some sustenance from it .
23 In addition to this , as if to put modern technology in perspective , stood a wide , leather-trimmed green blotter , a traditional brass and onyx pen-stand , a leather-backed memo pad , and a revolving set of index cards .
24 He 'd lie on his bed at three or four in the morning just looking at them with rapt concentration , not reading them , just laying them out , changing which one was next to which one , as if determining some sequence or some relationship between the writers .
25 ‘ The protector closed his eyes and bowed his head , as if seeking Divine guidance .
26 ‘ It was gone , Eric , ’ he had explained , his eyes fidgeting to every part of Colonel Windsor 's crammed office as if seeking some corner which would not awaken images of once familiar surroundings .
27 A few paces to the right Yuan was flexing arm and shoulder muscles as if to ease some strain or tension , and Rostov wondered if the assassins knew how fast a Manchu could move when the need arose .
28 Bernice waited for the Doctor to continue , but he walked on and then glanced sideways at her as if expecting another question .
29 Perhaps symbolic is the typical picket line of today ; people in high spirits shouting slogans and singing to the beat of a salsa band as they march defiantly under the eyes of the police contrast with the solemn processions of strikers we had seen in the 1940s , walking through the streets in silence and in proper order , as if to create any disturbance was a mark of poor breeding .
30 I must have moaned : she looked at me coldly as if suspecting some kind of trickery , and then her face altered and she came across the room to take my arm and help me back to bed .
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