Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , this decision amounts to the choice of whether to pick up the artist 's annual option .
2 Costs for travel outside Edinburgh should also be taken account of when drawing up a budget .
3 Costs for travel outside Edinburgh should also be taken account of when drawing up a budget .
4 In its varied type-faces , its symbols of mourning — lilies , the reaping sickle , the portrait photograph framed in lines as if hanging on a wall — and its verses from Longfellow , this seemed an almost Victorian celebration of death .
5 Everyone was very friendly , and there was much jolly laughter as we passed the frankfurters and Quigley made as if to ward off the evil eye .
6 Her eyes swam and she put out a hand as if to ward off the blows .
7 The fountain of sparks died ; he staggered , swinging his head hack and forth as if to drive out the pain .
8 His eyes sought Dora as if throwing down a challenge and Melissa saw her draw herself upright , her nostrils flaring .
9 As you 'd expect strong traces of the surging Pixies sound remain , but they 're delivered with a more melodic , playful edge , almost as if splitting up the band has allowed the real Black to emerge .
10 as if following up a train of thought , he looked across at Joe , saying , ‘ I wonder if those thieving scoundrels will be on the prowl again tonight ? ’ and Joe answered , ‘ I should n't think they 'd have the nerve to make a third trip , not in the same week , anyway . ’
11 It is a commonplace observation that if we lose a night 's sleep we tend to sleep a bit longer on subsequent nights , as if to make up a " sleep debt " .
12 A large bony vine clutched at the house , as if to claw down the tiled roof ( 14 ) .
13 Robert took in the neatly combed hair , the frail shoulders , the exquisite cheekbones with the red blemish on one side , and the huge , sightless eyes that roamed the blackness below him like inverted searchlights , as if to soak up the shadows .
14 A policeman held out his arms as if heading off a loose horse .
15 She looked at him for a moment as if weighing up the consequences of telling the truth for once .
16 Joshua looked into his eyes , as if weighing up the strength of his anger and calculating the possible effect of even further defiance .
17 Estabrook reached into his inside pocket , as if to pull out the letter , but with his fingers upon it he hesitated .
18 The tourists crossing the grassy space now were respectfully quiet , smiling , as if walking down the nave of a vast cathedral .
19 As they hopped out of Armstrong , Fenella leaned in through the meter window as if paying off a real cab .
20 Candy held up her hands as if warding off a blow .
21 Her hand lifted and touched the medallion at her breast , as if warding off an evil spirit .
22 The Secretary of State for Energy has allowed British Gas to appeal over the head of the regulator , to his fury , because of the difficulty in sorting out the conflict over whether freeing up the industrial market for British Gas will create higher prices for domestic consumers .
23 The data will be analysed and a decision made as to whether to carry out a similar experiment during the busy summer months .
24 A decision by the South African goverment as to whether to carry out the proposed slaughter of over 30,000 Cape fur seals is imminent .
25 Now the AEEU will ballot on whether to take up the offer .
26 In Gubisch Maschinenfabrik K.G. v. Palumbo ( Case 144/86 ) [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4861 , which Mr. Beazley relied on as laying down the broad general principles which should be applicable , and which concerned the interpretation of article 21 of the Brussels Convention , the Court of Justice stated , at p. 4874 :
27 There will be one optimum pitch setting which gives the maximum blade RPM and this is the ideal point to aim for when setting up the model .
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