Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] he [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bill Rear has captured the passing years on this line perfectly and his publishers are to be congratulated for allowing him the space in which to present his work .
2 CELTIC boss Liam Brady has offered Derry boy Nigel Melly a one year extension to his contract — just weeks after showing him the door .
3 Its main ploy for deflecting criticism will be to demonstrate the depth of its respect for the dead man : it is talking of building him a memorial .
4 To bring a level of order and modesty to Fleck 's life Norwich took the unprecedented step of paying him an allowance of only £29 per week and preserving the remainder of his salary to pay off the debts .
5 If he saw Doyle in the pub he 'd slide out of buying him a drink .
6 As a lesson in How to Laugh At Oneself , I 'm thinking of sending him a postcard I have long cherished .
7 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
8 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
9 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , a Turkish peasant farmer , described to the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , stolen his kidney to be used in a transplant .
10 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
11 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
12 I was thinking , ‘ I bet nobody has thought of giving him a beer . ’
13 But there was nothing she could do about it , short of giving him an explanation for the presence of Richard 's car outside her flat .
14 Two years after his return from Cetinje , Vuk received official confirmation of rumours and hints that Miloš was considering giving him a pension .
15 And after a meeting of the club 's directors yesterday , Rovers vice-chairman Geoff Dunford revealed : ‘ We are very pleased with the job Malcolm is doing and we are considering giving him the job until the end of the season . ’
16 Obliged to ask parliament for funds for these expeditions and for his other expenses , the King found that , instead of voting him the customs duties for life , as was normal on the monarch s accession , it attempted to impeach Buckingham for corruption and incompetence .
17 He also paid Cranmer the compliment of making him a Penitentiary for England .
18 As she lost the thread entirely , all thought of telling him the work she had done so far went out of her head .
19 He thought she might be on the point of offering him a nip of whisky but she did not go that far .
20 Mr Johnson , of Coningsby Drive , Kidderminster , claimed the company had boasted of the success of using saleswomen and never had any intention of offering him a job because he was a man .
21 He sued Jax Liquor Store for selling him the booze .
22 She did n't feel like giving him the news .
23 in his cloudy eyes , like handing him a rope .
24 A further court case , in which Lothar Neethling from the forensic laboratory , now a lieutenant-general and number three in the South African Police , tried to sue a newspaper for calling him a poisoner , showed Coetzee to be a reliable and accurate witness .
25 Hatton said something about buying him a record player for a wedding present .
26 Leonard talked him into giving him a lesson .
27 He had tried to beat his son into giving him the respect he was unable to feel for himself .
28 His opportunity comes when a lone housewife is murdered by a psychopath and shortly after he himself catches " flue and reckons he can trick the doctor into giving him an alibi that he is too ill to get out of bed .
29 Pickering had nurtured Davies since his days as a schoolboy triple jumper , and Davies has frequently credited Pickering with giving him the confidence to compete at top level .
30 The 26-year-old University of Natal graduate , credited his god with giving him the concentration he needed for his marathon .
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