Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It takes a big man to allow a homeless person into his underpants , so I make no apology for returning to the otherwise distressing subject of Jonathan Lloyd 's nether garments .
2 The powerful hydrogen bonding capacity of fluoride , discussed by John Emsley , has been known for some time , but its potential for interfering with the vitally important hydrogen bonds between biomolecules has only recently begun to receive attention .
3 I hobbled my shameful way from First Buttress North on Lundy as the sun 's last rays winked over the darkening sea ( and last orders for food were being called at the island 's only pub ) after tumbling from the very last move of the 90ft first pitch of Road Runner .
4 After allowing for the much higher non-attendance rate in controls , the annual rate of eye examination per patient and the number of patients referred to a hospital ophthalmic clinic were comparable in the two groups .
5 After passing from the most primitive stage of development , through the Asiatic , ancient and feudal stages , mankind enters the capitalist stage , the immense productive power of large-scale factory industry , and the division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
6 After hoisting aboard the almost wondrous performance of the aircraft probably the most important single element to master was asymmetric flying .
7 ‘ Having twins as characters was a device for looking at the very silly phrase ‘ having it all ’ : it was a way of signalling this division within us .
8 American news organisations , such as CNN and CBS , may show an interest in the shares in the hope of collaborating with the relatively low cost ITN .
9 Table III shows that in all three age groups , the risk of dying in the most disadvantaged group ( classes IV and V plus the unoccupied ) is consistently twice that of the highest group ( classes I and II ) .
10 She had accused Luke of acting in the most despicable way possible , so what hope was there that he would ever accept her apologies ?
11 * Check over your drafts , and separate the overall process of writing from the more mechanical process of checking for correct spellings , grammar , etc. ( see p. 117 ) .
12 I do not make this point to suggest that all these theories are wrong in every detail , but to underline the importance of looking behind the apparently innocent measures on which so much of the global-system literature is based .
13 A suicide note revealed they were desperate after years of caring for the seriously handicapped daughter .
14 So what is the doctor 's duty in the case of caring for the terminally ill ?
15 Fraganes , a good way of getting to the more remote spots — it makes an eleven-hour round trip regularly , several times each week — — has gone , and no one is going my way .
16 Nor did the kingship make for singleminded action on the battlefield : Sparta found ways of getting round the more obvious difficulties of dual command , but a king could always be brought to book by the oligarchic element ( the gerousia or council of elders , which was responsible for political trials ) or by the democratic — the Assembly , which could fine a king and limit his powers ( cp. p. 161 for Agis in 418 ) .
17 And they overestimated the attraction to all Irishmen , Protestant and Catholic , of belonging to the newly independent state .
18 Partly as a result of a slow trickle through the barriers , and partly as a result of internal inconsistencies , the analytic tradition has recently shown signs of moving from the strictly aloof position it adopted in the heyday of conceptual analysis .
19 The roll , produced by ringing two adjacent sides of the triangle , when ff , is capable of coming through the ff of the full orchestra .
20 The whole route was lined by men of the Cent-Gardes , whose immobility was such that according to one guest ‘ they might have been statues ’ , but she felt unable to study them in detail , so terrified was she of slipping on the highly polished parquet that her whole mind was fixed on arriving safely at the dining room .
21 The task of dealing with the mainly English force of rebels commanded by the M.P .
22 Cast in the unenviable role of responding to the ever more frequent appeals for help from Vienna , Norman Bentwich decided to see for himself what needed to be done .
23 When I gradually began to eat less and less it was with no thought of slimming in the normally accepted sense of the term .
24 ‘ Yeah , I hear it totally now that I 'm familiar with all these blues licks , and so I 'm starting to apply that sort of thinking to the more modern type of playing .
25 A minority with professional qualifications e.g. doctors , nurses , accountants , had the privilege of working outside the more difficult and depressing areas .
26 Another person with a very busy schedule , it was good of her to find time to come to speak to us on the subject of working with the mentally handicapped .
27 The Holfordian approach to civic design withered on the vine and the operation of planning for the most part relapsed into a much more mundane , bureaucratic system based on plan making and development control , guided by adherence to normative values and adherence to scientific criteria — ironically of the kind that Holford 's team in the ministry had drawn up .
28 As Poulter points out , this is in line with the modern ethos of concentrating on the broadly educational role of RE , which is underlined by the reference to RE instead of ‘ religious instruction ’ to which the 1944 Act referred previously .
29 A speech by the prince about caring for the terminally ill sounded so close to his wife 's concerns she could have written it herself .
30 The prince spoke for 15 minutes about caring for the terminally ill , then extended his visit to a London conference to talk privately with health service staff .
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