Example sentences of "[prep] [be] see [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Peter was admitted as a day case for a gastroscopy after being seen in the Outpatients Department .
2 He collects it from the door when it arrives to spare her the embarrassment of being seen by the boy .
3 This has placed the Institute in the position of being seen by the majority of its members and the public as inept ’ .
4 Indeed , far from being seen as the fragrant components of pot-pourri or as the aromatic base for creams and lotions , herbs were the only vegetable element of the medieval and Tudor kitchen .
5 The great British films all tap into a problem , the gap between what is felt and what can be expressed , that is universal but gains a particular inflection from being seen in the British context .
6 This is illustrated by the case of a girl who experienced a tremendous shock some three to four years before being seen at the homoeopathic out-patient clinic .
7 In hospitals without a psychiatric unit , patients usually had to wait several days before being seen by the psychiatrist , occupying medical beds and often antagonizing the medical staff by their presence .
8 If it is larger then spreading can cause pixels to be seen outside the permitted area , if smaller then accuracy can be lost .
9 In practice , the platform becomes a place for people who want to be seen , those who believe that their own importance is such that the presentation of the programme is secondary to their right to be seen beside the programme participants .
10 The most widespread bee-eater of the region , and the only bird with harlequin plumage and central tail feathers slightly projecting likely to be seen over the greater part of it .
11 Above , a gibbous moon fought a brave but doomed battle to be seen through the scudding cloud , occasionally emerging to spill its light like a bucket of whitewash over the slates .
12 There is little to be seen of the former docks now , only depressions marked with stakes identifying the site , but the village remains , where some of the master shipwrights lived who built Nelson 's favourite ship , HMS Agamemnon , as well as many other men o' war for the British fleet .
13 Then the roof of the grotto glowed two times lighting the water and the company a little , nothing was to be seen of the keeper or his coffin , as though it did not happen .
14 Outside , the storm lashed the windows , there was nothing to be seen of the sea or the red roofs .
15 But that same militant masculinity has to be seen for the contradictory and often conservative force that it is .
16 Well he does n't bother to mention that the king also had an official welcome at Carfax , which was the normal place , what was known as the Penniless Bench , which was at the end of St Martin 's Church , only the of that remains at the moment , now , erm and then was presented with the traditional gift of gloves by the mayor , and the not very generous sum of £520 , and just about the same time , Alderman Nixon and 12 others who agreed with him disappeared smartly from Oxford , and were n't to be seen for the rest of the war .
17 Railway travel develops many interesting situations ; but it has created few more bewildering than those occasionally to be seen during the Russian famine , when a number of peasantry , weary of the Czar 's despotic rule and black bread , or no bread at all , came through England on their way to America , and clustered , apparently hopeless , on the platform at the Central Station .
18 Mr Wriglesworth added : ‘ I have no doubt that this election will come to be seen as the key to the recovery from the worst recession in the housing market since the Second World War .
19 Tutorial Classes continued to be seen as the most important element in the WEA 's programme and there had been some increase in their provision in recent years .
20 Given that the people had put him there , the Emperor envisaged it as his duty to be seen as the people 's servant — not just in the matter of governing but in his behaviour as a Sovereign who must associate the people with all aspects of his life .
21 In 1963 , when he was already Leader of the Labour Party , Harold Wilson promised that under a Labour government there would be ‘ Grammar School education for all ’ , and few in the Labour Party wanted to be seen as the enemy of the grammar schools .
22 Pride causes us to want to be seen as the best , but we will often use the strategy of holding others back to make sure we stay there .
23 That is why the peace process , for which Israel has been striving for 44 years , has to be seen as the only viable solution .
24 Teenagers seem particularly unwilling to be seen as the caring and bright people they often are .
25 But I must say I do n't expect to be seen as the next Mansell , but as the first Damon Hill . ’
26 They successfully politicised lived experiences of women in such a way that their concerns came to be seen as the concerns of Labour .
27 Elsewhere , multi-party systems proliferated , though in some states the technique of organizing mass parties was beginning to be seen as the key to political power .
28 Rather than being regarded as actors who make their own history , individuals are to be seen as the ‘ supports ’ of social practices who maintain and reproduce them .
29 In the final analysis , religion was thus to be seen as the emotionally charged product of intense social interaction ( 'collective effervescence' ) — esprit de corps elevated to the metaphysical plane .
30 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
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