Example sentences of "[prep] [be] in the same " in BNC.

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1 She would get through the next few days of being in the same house as Piers and then she would leave , and she would somehow get through the rest of her life without him .
2 Charlie might have quite enjoyed the lesson if Trentham had n't left the impression that none of them was worthy of being in the same regiment as himself .
3 When it comes to pay and conditions at work we 're nowhere near being in the same class as our European counterparts .
4 ‘ I do n't think our friendship has much to do with being in the same business .
5 Jay had no inclination to go through the who are you , what do you do , oh really , gosh my brother-in-law used to be in the same field .
6 ‘ Everyone else seems to be in the same position .
7 He caught the eye with a highly encouraging performance despite finishing last but was not seriously considered to be in the same league as the adored ‘ Dessie ’ .
8 ‘ We 're two different people who happen to be in the same business .
9 The tiborium itself is thought to be a masterpiece of Renaissance art , although it hardly seems to be in the same class as that on Santa Maria delle Grazie .
10 ‘ Ethnic minorities ’ she says , most Black women take offence when considered to be in the same category as Europeans who can be just as racist as Delia Cope .
11 ‘ I hear things are so bad between the prince and princess , they ca n't even bear to be in the same room as one another , ’ said an estate worker .
12 According to author Dr Eve Roman , ‘ it made no difference whether a woman worked on a VDU as part of her general day , whether she just used it occasionally or whether her only contact with a VDU was that it happened to be in the same room ’ .
13 Maybe I should n't have , but I felt it was n't good for a little one to be in the same house .
14 We used to be in the same practice , Peter and I. Now he 's doing his stuff under the desert sun .
15 All are expected to be in the same ballpark .
16 I cited that Korea seemed to be in the same position as China in 1947–1948 ; that the Chinese officials also continuously stated that they could put a stop to inflation at any time .
17 In classical physics , if I measured each electron 's position as it was delivered they would all be found to be in the same place .
18 It turns out that bosons positively like to be in the same state together .
19 But that is not to say , and it obviously can not be the case , that he is still the statutory tenant for all purposes , so as to be in the same position as if the order had never been made .
20 Most such acute psychiatric wards are now sited in district general hospitals ; and even though it is not essential for in-patient facilities of this type to be in the same place as other medical specialties , it is often helpful for elderly people , in particular , to be treated where specialist medical advice on physical illness and disability is readily available .
21 ‘ Only Howard Baker could manage to be in the same room as God and not to notice him ! ’ cries Rayner Keat .
22 Fitting a new sink may seem a somewhat daunting task but it need n't be , provided the new sink is going to be in the same position as the old one .
23 ‘ We happened to be in the same place at the same time a couple of months ago , ’ she replied , terse and offhand .
24 How could she tell him that , while women all over the country would do just about anything even to be in the same room as him , she , Shannon Lea , did n't want to touch him ?
25 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
26 Our policy is one of indemnity i.e. it provides for the Claimant to be in the same position after the loss as immediately before it .
27 I was a member of his party , one of his retinue , and when the great Henry lashed out it was dangerous even to be in the same room as the king 's enemy .
28 The rich tend to want to be away from the poor , but the poor want to be in the same jurisdiction as the rich .
29 A tendency has sometimes been observed for several successive eruptions to occur with noticeable periodicity and for successive thermals to be in the same places each time .
30 I said I did n't know the other guys , we just happened to be in the same pub .
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