Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] they can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Troubled Celtic are thinking of how they can raise the money to buy Pat McGinlay from Hibs .
2 And here are just a few examples of how they can help .
3 Of critical importance to the success of the QAU is the need for school communities to become aware of how they can use the QAU to assist them in school improvement activities .
4 They the county council licence the whole service is of where they can run .
5 Through these kinds of dramas ( the wage negotiation annual one ) the remainder of workers can feel that their uncomfortable feelings of anger and paranoia are being dealt with so they can continue to hold the position of withdrawal , thus avoiding the pain of their real feelings .
6 I do n't think it 's necessarily about teaching er children primarily about sex or about sexual pleasure , I think it 's all , initially , about personal hygiene and then developing that into how they can make their life safer for themself , or giving them choices to say , well I can choose to become pregnant or not to become pregnant and , I think it 's more about choices rather than saying orgasms and erm sexual pleasure , or
7 From here they can move forward to interpose themselves when the enemy is too close .
8 From here they can see convoys coming half a mile away .
9 This movement will be accelerated once Oracle users have made the shift over from Oracle 6 to Oracle7 , from where they can extend further towards the Oracle Parallel Server .
10 This machine , a small but powerful catapult , lobs Goblins high into the air , from where they can spy out the land ahead .
11 They are thus to some extent limited in where they can invest , as we discuss further in chapter 6 .
12 I urge those on both Front Benches to reflect on how they can make up for that democratic lack .
13 The grieving family are very much in the vicar 's care as to how they can have a funeral service that is meaningful and relevant both to the person who has died and to themselves .
14 For the latter group , there may be concerns as to how they can accept being responsible and accountable to another doctor in their dealings with patients .
15 It has the softest of summer zephyrs blowing across its fields and hillsides ; swift and rumbling waters break through forest and plain ; and mountain heights rise to where they can gather the island 's mists to their crowns .
16 However arable farmers have fewer restraints on when they can inject .
17 This involves giving talks to farmers and gamekeepers about how they can carry out their work in a bird-friendly way .
18 HUNDREDS of Darlington Council employees are being briefed about how they can give the best service to customers and chargepayers .
19 The important thing is that the slot be timetabled in , so that even where video provision is very limited , everyone is encouraged to think about how they can use what there is .
20 ‘ All the time they are talking about how they can boost their goals tally .
21 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
22 At least they can get out when the going gets rough , as their grandmothers could n't .
23 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
24 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
25 Until then at least they can take comfort knowing adults sometimes have to suffer uniforms even worse than their own .
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