Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Between palace and castle runs the processional route of the Royal Mile , for long the arena for the city 's most important activities , climbing as it does up a narrow ridge cramped between steep slopes carved out by ancient glaciers to either side .
2 It is also a famously independent place , for long the capital of this little region of Baréges , and sufficiently cut off to administer itself as another of the remarkably enlightened mountain ‘ republics ’ .
3 Since watches were for long the toys of the rich , it is not surprising that often when ordinary folk encountered one they were extremely puzzled and were even inclined to look upon it as something evil and dangerous .
4 The same approach can be found in successive studies published between the 1950s and 80s by Leonard Schapiro , for long the doyen of Russian studies at the London School of Economics and one of the most influential western historians of the revolution .
5 But also , and more importantly , the normal upward movement that was for long the solvent for discontent has been arrested .
6 Left penniless when her husband dropped dead suddenly one Monday morning as he was putting his horse between the shafts to go to the country on his weekly door-to-door round , her pride had not allowed her to accept for long the charity of the community 's Board of Guardians .
7 A party that had thrown itself so uncompromisingly into the campaign against Home Rule , and which had long ago accepted the need for " organization " in domestic affairs , could hardly accept for long the leadership by ineffective compromise which was what Asquith offered .
8 In these conditions there was no place for what H. E. Bates called ‘ the air of silent refrigeration , the arid cross-examination of stares ’ ; the war had ‘ smashed the silence ’ , for long the hallmark of railway travel in Britain .
9 Its method of integration was to be more gradual , retaining for long the right of national veto .
10 Marketability varies between assets ; some assets are easily realizable , but some — such as perhaps the shares of small companies — may not find ready buyers .
11 But I did have to worry about whether we were going to have the cash flow in ten years ' time to make sure that the parts can be paid for so the chap on the shop floor can stick the thing together .
12 It prepared them for exactly the kind of material they can expect to see on the day — and because it is written by the examiners themselves , you can be sure that it tells you exactly what the examiners are looking for !
13 The primary consideration should be to select an analytical laboratory where there is a formal , statistically based AQC system ; one that operates routinely for exactly the type of analysis we require .
14 It should become possible to pay for exactly the amount of bandwidth that you need — ‘ bandwith on demand ’ is the buzz-phrase here .
15 With the exception of Samna IV none of the products mentioned will give you any sort of WYSIWYG display on a PC whereas an Apple Macintosh almost always gives a WYSIWYG display , but with a little perseverance it is relatively easy to convert from typescript to pseudo typeset for just the cost of a page printer .
16 If she works in a shop or office , she could take samples of her work to show her colleagues or she could offer to make a garment for a friend for just the price of the yarn .
17 With all this , and the union vice-president talking in terms unheard of since the heyday of the Industrial Workers of the World , you begin to understand why it is imperative for capitalism that Pittston succeeds in its attempt to break the UMWA .
18 The Soviet Government , without giving reasons , was demanding as of right the repatriation of all its citizens displaced by the war , without exception and irrespective of their wishes .
19 This appears to envisage rules which require the disclosure of only the arrangements for the payment of commission and not of the actual amount .
20 SIB Core Rule 18(2) and SFA Rule 5 — 33(2) permit disclosure of only the basis of commission to a private customer .
21 The contractors , having racked themselves to the limit to fight off all other comers , may be forced to cut back on programme spending , to the detriment of exactly the kind of endeavours which may give delight to many but have no great appeal to the masses .
22 ‘ Trade knows no gentlemen , ’ her father replied loftily , as if he himself was an important landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm .
23 And then we used to trim it and er a hat there made of just the straw with a band and bow was over three pound which was a lot of money in those days .
24 Whilst I know of no specific legend attached to them , the Tingle Stone and the Twizzle Stone , both in Gloucestershire , are very suggestive of just the sort of effects which have been reported at standing stones in recent years .
25 Congratulations , and sets of Just The Words to J Howard , Birmingham ; S Bryant , London W13 ; M Walker , Wirral .
26 This was a small , imperial octavo-size volume containing eventually 73 plates , mainly of just the heads of birds .
27 Especially as compared with those somewhat dark days in terms of specially the relationship between the County Council and the health authority .
28 A commanding view of practically the whole of the marshlands between the wolds and the North Sea can be had from a spot near the hamlet of Muckton , on the edge of the wolds .
29 The lives of both the Duke of Windsor and his spouse were rendered miserable in their last years by her quest , and his support for that quest , to be entitled to the description of ‘ Her Royal Highness ’ .
30 The form they take is a function of both the viscosity of the magma and the configuration of fractures and other lines of weakness in the country rock .
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