Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 And occasionally , as , for example , during or around the time of the rebellion led by Tupac Amaru II in 1780 , an image would appear of explicit resistance to colonialism .
2 Patrick Forbes gets right to the heart of the matter when , in his scholarly work Champagne ( 1967 ) , he refers to a treatise , Traité de la culture des vignes de Champagne , written by a certain Frère Pierre , a member of the community at the abbey of Hautvillers during and after the time of his mentor Dom Pérignon .
3 When I left home that baby was n't even thought about and by the time I get home it will be a year old ! ’
4 The terms of a contract are settled either before or at the time of making the contract .
5 By a notice of appeal dated 7 July 1992 the husband appealed on the ground that a copy of the committal order had not been served on him either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant as required by Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) ( a ) of the County Court Rules 1981 ( as amended ) and that in consequence the order was invalid and/or defective and should be set aside .
6 ‘ If a committal order is made , the order shall be for the issue of a warrant of committal and , unless the judge otherwise orders — ( a ) a copy of the order shall be served on the person to be committed either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant ; or ( b ) where the warrant has been signed by the judge , the order for issue of the warrant may be served on the person to be committed at any time within 36 hours after the execution of the warrant .
7 ‘ A person is guilty of robbery if he steals , and immediately before or at the time of doing so , and in order to do so , he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force .
8 Thirteen patients in group A ( 57% ) and seven in group B ( 18% ) had associated cholecystolithiasis , diagnosed either before or at the time of diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis ( p=0.002 ) .
9 By s.8(1) of the Theft Act 1968 : [ a ] person is guilty of robbery if he steals , and immediately before or at the time of doing so , and in order to do so , he uses any force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force .
10 The force must be used " immediately before or at the time of " the theft .
11 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
12 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
13 We are suggesting , however , that the postoperative development of RP is not prima facie evidence for a ‘ missed ’ diagnosis of Crohn 's disease before and including the time of colectomy .
14 Details of drugs taken before and at the time of the final medical contact after the attack were incomplete owing to poor quality of discharge letters in 64 patients managed in accident and emergency departments or hospital .
15 Similarly , in 3 the time span which is indicated by " now " is limited to the few seconds immediately following the utterance , whereas in 4 the reference of " now " extends well before and after the time of utterance .
16 Following an arrest the police may search the premises where the suspect was immediately prior to or at the time of the arrest for evidence relating to that offence ( s.32(2) ( b ) ) .
17 Because the endoscopical findings in RP often include serpiginous ulcerations , fissures , and ileitis proximal to the pouch , the syndrome has often been attributed to underlying Crohn 's disease , the diagnosis of which had presumably been ‘ missed ’ both clinically and pathologically up to and including the time of colectomy .
18 But they are intended to illustrate the very general point that we can not know in advance the belief systems of the communities we are studying ; an important part of good fieldwork practice is to get to know them and take them into account at all stages of the research , up to and beyond the time of publication .
19 It may help us to understand some of the subsequent developments better if first we have an impression of what was going on in the University of Utah chemistry department in 1988 , up to and around the time of the interaction with Jones .
20 Yeah so I mean with , with younger people it 's , although th they 're still not , it 's still not going to be easy-easy er like with the older people , there 's still the , the disturbance element that in years to come they are not going to have this to fall back on because by the time that they retire it 's just not going to exist .
21 aware of it at the time , at or about the time when the instruction was given
22 The principal carers were to be interviewed on two occasions , firstly at or around the time of the sufferer 's first interview and secondly a year later .
23 They include the Authority 's discharge and trasnfer policies , most of the deaths occurred at or around the time when patients were moved .
24 A party may require his opponent to supply copies of documents which he is entitled to inspect ; the notice requiring the copy document must be served at or before the time when inspection takes place and must contain an undertaking to pay the proper charge , which charges are set out in Appendix A item 4 ( Ord 14 , r 5A ) .
25 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
26 The likely reason is that the mother becomes immunised to the foreign antigens only by fetal bleeding across the placenta at or near the time of birth .
27 They are sources that are contemporary or near contemporary with the period being studied , documents that were written by the participants , or by people at or near the time .
28 They are completed by hand by the scientist at or near the time of the work being recorded and form a chronological , step by step log of what was planned , what was done and the results gained .
29 The 1976 act spoke of a person who died from ‘ personal injuries sustained by him ’ and Lord McCluskey said : ‘ In my view it is clear that the whole phrase is perfectly apt to include injuries inflicted to the person of a child immediately before his birth and continuing to have their effects on him by impairing his physical condition at and after the time of his birth .
30 ‘ That was what he was good at but at the time we did n't consider him any better than players we had at the club .
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