Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fourteen per cent of adults aged 16 and over — about 6 million altogether — were found to be looking after or providing regular help to someone who was sick , elderly or disabled .
2 Graduates are widely sought after and experience little difficulty in securing employment with excellent career prospects .
3 The last great campaign to revise social style — the so-called anti-spiritual pollution drive six years ago - petered out after only a few months when even the party leadership acknowledged it had more important things to worry about than enforcing short hair and dreary clothes .
4 The actual and planned measurements will differ if total output should fall short of or exceed total demand — in the former case , some demand will be unsatisfied because insufficient goods have been produced ; in the latter case , some net addition to stocks will occur since too many goods have been produced .
5 Nor can the market get rid of or store nuclear waste .
6 Offering a combination of consideration and amending the terms of or adding alternative consideration during the course of a bid may be considered .
7 The contract itself recognises usages as well as rules and it seems more likely to me that the rules may , in some cases at any rate , have developed out of and given partial expression to usages rather than that they should indicate the absence of usages beyond what is contained in the rule . "
8 Others , most notably James Meade , had taken the all important step of opening up the Keynesian model so as to take account of and explain international trade and capital flows .
9 This brings us to the problem of whether to leave serial harmony as it is , the product of a system , or to override the system and make the harmonic result our own .
10 In this mode of attribution young people are not spoken of as having tragic love affairs , rather it is said that ‘ they ca n't cope with physical sexual experiences ’ .
11 The report was widely heralded as a blueprint for re-establishing the accountancy profession 's right to set the framework for and to improve financial reporting in the corporate sector .
12 His first task was to select a site for and to design new locomotive workshops in Kilmarnock to replace existing inadequate facilities in Glasgow .
13 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many schools in Hampshire have now applied for and achieved grant-maintained status ; and if he will make a statement .
14 Four schools in Hampshire have applied for and achieved grant-maintained status .
15 That theological colleges and courses , as well as those responsible for post-ordination training and continuing ministerial training , review their provision for the training of ordinands and clergy in the art of preparing for and conducting public worship , and the use of music within it ( 563 — 569 ) .
16 From a school management point of view , valuable lessons about the nature of curriculum change , the processes involved and the need to plan for and provide adequate time and resource for all staff involved , have been learnt .
17 Machinery does exist for selected authorities to appeal to the Secretary of State , and in 1986/7 several rate-capped councils appealed for and obtained redetermined spending levels .
18 The first is to drill for and locate hot water ( having first mapped the geothermal gradient of the ground since conditions vary considerably ) .
19 In some cases ( for example connectin ) , these molecules are initially expressed ubiquitously on the muscle and only become localized to NMJ sites during and following neuromuscular contact .
20 In addition to this , as if to put modern technology in perspective , stood a wide , leather-trimmed green blotter , a traditional brass and onyx pen-stand , a leather-backed memo pad , and a revolving set of index cards .
21 ‘ The protector closed his eyes and bowed his head , as if seeking Divine guidance .
22 The debate over academic freedom has been structured as if attaining academic freedom is part of a zero-sum game .
23 ‘ I think it must be your eyes , ’ he said at last , running his own gaze up and down as if giving intimate consideration to every other feature of her body .
24 ‘ The lad seems to be hungry , ’ he said cautiously , as if testing unknown ground .
25 Not surprisingly , with their jobs and their rations at stake , 14,145,163 people placed their cross in the " Yes " box on the ballot papers , against 1,074,500 who voted against or returned spoiled ballot papers .
26 She submits , not because she is threatened with or fears immediate violence , but because she feels helpless to resist in a situation in which he is all-powerful and she is powerless .
27 Similarly , a woman who submits to sexual intercourse having been threatened with or fearing serious injury or death is not regarded as having consented .
28 Before doing so , however , governors should know that they are responsible for understanding , complying with and enforcing national health and safety regulations .
29 In a separate speech to European Parliamentarians , President Mitterrand said that ‘ an opening to the East is not in contradiction with but reinforces European unity .
30 5 A person who believes in and/or practises educational technology as a theory and methodology .
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