Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [pers pn] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you decide at the end of the day the thing to do is to pick up this kid and run like hell for somewhere you can gain , wave for help , or put him in the car and drive like mad to the hospital , then you might just do that , even though it breaks all the golden rules of first aid
2 Cos it 's , the you 're supposed to that 's what it 's for so you can check all your spellings .
3 And the only thing is that finally after three months of waiting for the received all their medals and things for so it can go ahead .
4 Erm , the amount of information available determines , on the probability of thereby you can reverse it round , and say the amount of unemployment .
5 Now er Paddy Ashdown has also said that anything that Nick Harvey approves of er he will approve of so we can quote Paddy er the same er at er at some suitable point , for example in advance of the May elections .
6 I would be grateful if you could let me know immediately whether of not you can help by providing an article .
7 In the pursuit of both we can aspire to lead our country to find the real wealth which only a good society can provide .
8 So the very thing that was supposed to wake them up , the noise of the alarm bell , was turned in the dream into a wishful of now I can go on sleeping , okay there 's a bell , but it 's Sunday morning , you know , the bells are ringing , the church bells are ringing , I can go on sleeping , so they went on sleeping and they were late for the exam .
9 So if by the end of tomorrow we can say yes we 've achieved all that have have we got a course ?
10 I mean you 're not exactly gon na get out of well you can read on the bus and train and that .
11 Twelve miles south of here you can see Britain 's oldest horse races , the Kiplingcotes Derby at South Dalton .
12 The root problem here is the question of how we can arrive at absolutely certain and reliable knowledge .
13 But it has n't really bitten into the issue of how we can control and operate and exploit the total environment .
14 Right , I 'm going to go through methods of how we can detect structural change by the non constant parameters .
15 Aspirations , a sense of how we can realise our potential , give us power and motivation .
16 But , even if we are able to measure them , we then have the further problem of how we can distinguish their significance from the effects of normal maturation .
17 Erm , some film producer sitting in London , thinks of a rural county , he 'll probably think of Shropshire , and I think this is typical example of how we can dribble away our scarce resources on a couple of thousand here , a couple of thousand there to other bodies , erm , I am , I 'm , I 'm against this proposal , we 'll keep our money for essential items .
18 Unless we face up to that fact , moreover , any discussion of how we can safeguard certain democratic arrangements that we regarded as part of the British ‘ constitution ’ in the past ( e.g. the independence of local government ) or entrench others ( e.g. a Bill of Rights ) against an ‘ elective dictatorship ’ will run into the sand .
19 Troubled Celtic are thinking of how they can raise the money to buy Pat McGinlay from Hibs .
20 And here are just a few examples of how they can help .
21 Of critical importance to the success of the QAU is the need for school communities to become aware of how they can use the QAU to assist them in school improvement activities .
22 And it gives a rudimentary account of how I can do this .
23 I am interested in leaving a bequest to RAFA and would like to obtain further details of how I can help .
24 In announcing the tariff , Southern Electric reminded customers of how it can help them use their electricity more efficiently .
25 Before taking any decisions about living together , everyone should agree on the basic structure and routine of how it can work , from sharing the bathroom and kitchen to how to manage finances .
26 To cut a still very shapeless and incoherent story short , this latest analysis has taken advertising well away , it seems to me , from any possibility of a single , coherent theory of how it can work .
27 Just as an example , because we do n't like talking about cold , but just to give you a very simplistic example of how it can work .
28 As an illustration of how it can occur , the field-worker was told of an incident in which a driver was asked to stop for failing to wear a seat-belt , upon which he sped off , necessitating a car chase , which eventually ended with two cars being wrecked and a policeman injured .
29 This same point was made earlier during the discussion of general applications , and examples were given of how it can assist with such things as planning , exploring relationships , putting particular aspects of an organisation into context , etc ; in other words , using it as a basis for creative thinking and logical deduction .
30 Church history offers many examples of how it can happen in a group context .
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