Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] have the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The second remarkable event was Henry 's marriage in May 1152 to another great heiress — not for nothing has the twelfth century been called the " Century of Heiresses " .
2 Although these sentences differ in sense , it is quite possible for them to have the same reference , and the same truth value .
3 ‘ It 's very important for me to have the same people around me as I did on the first album … it 's a community thing , it means I can keep the same vibe as I had before , ’ he says .
4 However , among the lucky or sheltered it is common enough for someone to have the uneasy feeling that he is living too comfortably , might find himself unprepared to cope if his present security were to collapse , lacks adequate understanding of miseries outside his experience .
5 himself , the big , distracting man and two women , one of whom had the incisive skill of a surgeon .
6 While Adamski cues his samples and activates his drum programs , we are treated to an enthusiastic , if inaudible , bongo player , and tow backing singers , one of whom has the added advantage of being a fine mover .
7 While Adamski cues his samples and activates his drum programs , we are treated to an enthusiastic , if inaudible , bongo player , and tow backing singers , one of whom has the added advantage of being a fine mover .
8 Most of them had the familiar ‘ jizz ’ of guillemots but were too far out for us to tell if they were common guillemots or the Arctic species , Brünnich 's guillemots. ( 'Jizz' is a term coined by experienced birdwatchers to explain how a distant or fleeting glimpse of a bird can produce a positive identification without your being able to say exactly why . )
9 Three of the staff from Orange wore the silver parachute wings which denoted service in the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes , and all of them had the blue and white campaign ribbons denoting service in Chad or Lebanon .
10 The debate on these issues continued for several centuries and the proposed solutions were very varied , but all of them had the ultimate implication that only the civilized Christian Europeans deserved to be rated as true men in a fully human sense ; all other " men " being variously rated as sub-human animals , monsters , degenerate men , damned souls , or the product of a separate creation .
11 They did not pray two rak'ahs before making love , or perform wudu after intercourse ( perhaps because neither of them had the faintest idea what wudu might be ) , and they were woefully deficient in the sacrifice and dowry departments .
12 And none of them had the arranged marriages which were normal just one generation earlier .
13 ‘ Every single one of them had the same opinion as mine , ’ he said .
14 Two hundred and fifty came from Strathnaver and 104 of them had the same surname : William Mackay .
15 But that night , all four of them had the same dream …
16 And none of them has the right kind of tights .
17 Only six of them have the necessary external lockboard battens applied to the cheek and spine .
18 On the western side , the impressive remains of the much later temple of Zeus Thanatos stand on foundation courses of large blocks of stone which look like Minoan masonry : certainly many of them have the distinctive Minoan ‘ mason 's marks ’ , the branch , the star and the trident , which supports this view .
19 The proof that the planets were actually formed in this way arises from the fact that all of them have the same built-in mode of spin .
20 What 's funny about it is , they actually do like each other ; they just do n't realise that both of them have the same views in everything .
21 These things can happen in the best of families , and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home , you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes , the same nose , and the same red hair .
22 And some of them have the same name .
23 One may hear echoes of this kind of project in I.A. Richards or the New Critics , but they none of them have the same degree of theoretical rigour and consistency , and they do not take the emphasis on the distinctively literary to the same degree .
24 What content the law has would then be entirely a contingent and empirical matter dependent upon the values , beliefs , intuitions , ideals , interests and emotions of whosoever has the lawmaking function in hand .
25 ‘ The Panel of Judges was summoned , to decide which of you had the stronger vein of wolfblood , ’ said Dierdriu .
26 you can take a friend and whichever of you has the cheaper meal that 's what
27 ‘ It 's a matter of who has the right line past the high , ’ said Dalton .
28 ‘ It 's a matter of who has the right line past the high , ’ said Dalton .
29 So its a case of who has the nervous breakdown first , you or the dog ?
30 Some stations stood in the heart of thriving capital cities and teemed with life day and night ; others in desolate fastnesses , where as Dickens remarked of the remote New England depots , ‘ the wild impossibility of anybody having the smallest reason to get out is only equalled by the apparently desperate hopelessness of there being anybody to get in ’ .
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