Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] could [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Geoffrey Chaucer could not hold a conversation with a modern Englishman , even though they are linked to each other by an unbroken chain of some twenty generations of Englishmen , each of whom could speak to his immediate neighbours in the chain as a son speaks to his father .
2 In so far as the general picture is intelligible , it appears that we are dealing with a group of warlords in the north , some of whom could claim to be upholding Roman jurisdiction .
3 The aunts would reply indignantly that they only wanted to help , whereupon Addy would shout from the kitchen that if either of them could cook worth a damn perhaps they could be something other than a bloody nuisance .
4 But you know it surprises me I mean I know the church is , is closed and it 's been closed for a couple of years now and it looks a sight because now I do n't know how many members they 've got , at least a couple of them could go in there and cut all the brambles down .
5 As of the end of June 1991 at least six of these statutes were undergoing the process of appeal which would almost certainly bring them eventually to the Supreme Court , where any of them could serve as the occasion for the reversal of the 1973 landmark abortion rights ruling , Roe v. Wade .
6 They spent the day chanting and dancing , and when they came to walk and climb they could be heard speaking Chinese , a language none of them could speak during the rest of the year .
7 Either one of them could walk through the door into the hall and end this angry and unhappy meeting .
8 The original band of brothers in the primal horde were excluded from sexual intercourse with any women by their father , and they formed a group , based on homosexual feelings , to perform the act that no one of them could do as a sole individual , namely , to kill their father .
9 The slightest move by either of them could result in the encounter of a foot or , worse still , the brushing of knees .
10 well it 's like Elly , you know , I mean even she said she 's , I can really see , she said I even said it in an argument the other day , cos none of them could see at the time
11 It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy .
12 It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy .
13 Yet a recent survey showed that a quarter of the ‘ patients ’ do not need to be in a mental institution at all and a half of them could live in the outside world given proper support .
14 A It is unfortunate that you have used only ‘ common ’ names , as some of them could apply to a number of species .
15 For the West , however , there were promises of greater respect for human rights in the Soviet bloc and of increased East-West contacts , all of which could lead to an easing in Russian domination of Eastern Europe .
16 My right hon. Friend the Minister for Overseas Development is trying to arrange a donors conference to bring further help , but , as my hon. Friend would agree , the best relief of human rights would be if the Iraqis accepted resolutions 706 and 712 and began to sell oil , the proceeds of which could go to the relief of poverty as well as the compensation of those whom they have victimised .
17 For a massive planet consisting largely of hydrogen and helium there are two main sources of heat for the interior , each of which could account for the excess radiation .
18 Some of you could do with spreading out a little .
19 If he agrees , the two of you could travel in harness . ’
20 However , should there be any difficulty in siting the panel on the pillar , perhaps one of you could discuss with the Publicity Assistants an alternative and suitable site .
21 I never knew a child of one could sleep in a normal size bed .
22 My Heart bleeds to see the Concern he is in ; and it would be the utmost Satisfaction to me , if I could hope any thing of mine could contribute to his comfortable Subsistence in his old Age : I therefore beg of you to take the Key of my Buroe ; and if any thing is to be made of my poor Papers , that you will , for my sake , endeavour to promote a Subscription for his Benefit , which you so kindly have propos 'd for mine
23 It was possible that the whole of it could date from 1670 , having been made from two different pieces of silver .
24 Whenever Harris talks of his human rights work , he repeatedly states than none of it could continue without Amnesty 's campaigning — the thousands and thousands of letters landing on the desk of the Guatemalan President , the faxes , the questions in Parliament .
25 The smell was so all-pervasive that nothing consumed within half a mile of it could taste of anything not pertaining to dog .
26 What may well be the most off-putting thought for some about this amplifier is , having glanced at the front panel , a fear of what could lurk around the back : does it resemble the buss panel of a 32-channel mixing desk , or the flight deck of a 757 ?
27 The greatest fear the airmen have is of what could happen to the people of Somalia after the international forces leave .
28 In this exciting , optimistic approach it is important to have the ability to create pictures of what could happen in the future — ideal solutions and potential achievement .
29 Before either of us could react to this confession , unexpected even to me , I ploughed on .
30 Looks like all of us could do with a bit of both . ’
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